Me either. I signed up a while ago and I have never had anyone message me about forging together. Now, i would love to forge with someone ANY TIME THIS WEEK, since I am on spring break So be free to message me or anyone else who posts here. **My gamertag is ihavok iz siick Add me and we can forge or play some MM
The kids in my area had their Spring Break last three weeks ago. To forge with someone, you should request it, make friends here, or be real nice. I'm sorry, but I'm about to go to a job interview. Just got back from Iraq, so I have to find a new one. :-/
hey, i can forge w u right now, im not all that awesome, no mythics (yet) but can forge randomly anything want
Forgemates may have worked at one time, but it doesn't work now. You would have better luck finding someone who is your friend.
It doesn't work well at all know, but luckily I started talking to supertoaster and he's one of my best friends of forge hub now.
This bump is relevant. I would like to point out to anyone who may feel the same way, as I know what you're all thinking. Though, I've had this: as part of the original post since the dawn of Forgemates creation. Be sure to go around messaging people in the list. Your best bet is to message people in order from most recent posters, to oldest.