That's right, BF1943 is out so I made a thread dedicated to discussing this hopefully great game. Except the thread isn't just official. It's SUPER official. Rundown: It's only 1200 points ($15). After 43 million kills an air combat only map is released (Coral Sea). All dogfights, all the time. ...and that's about it.
YouTube - The New BF Is Here! BF1943! (in HD)!! looks pretty interesting, is it only for planes though?
There are planes in the maps, but most of the combat is COD4 style, guns knives and nades. Add in tanks, jeeps, boats and planes and you've got a pretty sweet game. Edit: I can't wait to fly a plane, bail out in midair and have it crash into another plane, then parashute down and stab some guy in the head. That should be an achivement. Speaking of: BF1943 Achievements list
Alright guys, tough question: Mythic Maps or BF1943 I can only buy one for right now, and I'm leaning towards the maps.
Thats tough.... get the demo of 1943 first obviously... I must say I liked 1942 better, I wish they remade the game in full with all 5 classes and all 10 or so maps, along with the frostbite engine as a disc game. I'd buy that.
The game is awesome, I've already had plenty of epic moments, for example: I was in one of those small boats, just driving along when suddenly a plane came swooping down at me, it was literally skimming the water. As it got closer to me, the plane literally touched the water and the wing slid under my boat! I don't know if the plane blew up because the wing was slightly in the water but I think it carried on flying! I was liek WTF! I've also been killed when I was walking around and I watch a plane get shot down, then the plane came spinning out of control and hit me. It was awesome! Also, this is one of the only games (BF series) where I love to snipe, because it takes skill! You have to anticipate the other players path and I love that. The game is sweet, and probably one of the only games were it's a pleasure to be killed.
The reason why there are fewer maps is because Microsoft has a limit on how big a XBLA game can be. Its 500 mb or so. But you can look forward to the inevitable DLC that EA will pump out for money. However seeing that EA has sort of changed there may not be any. If it was Activision then it defiantly would since they are the new EA.
This is exactly how I had wished COD would have been like. Vehicles, lots of people, destructible environment. The only thing I don't like about it is the movement of your character(not sure why, it just feels really weird), and the weapons changing system. It's really annoying. I want to buy this, seems like a pretty good deal for 15$. Too bad the trial was only 1/2 hour long, but I guess it makes sense that it is.
Found a trailer for Coral Sea: YouTube - Battlefield 1943: Coral Sea Teaser That alone makes the game look like it's worth buying, so I think I'll trade in Battlefield: Bad Company to get a points card and this game. I've played through and enjoyed the tutorial of the Trail, I liked how it gave you freedom to do as you pleased. Everything seems good about the game, but it looks and feels like BF: BC, with the exception of the WW2 theme and the fact you can shoot as a passanger of the jeeps.
ya, dont buy this game for about a week, because since ****ing EA stands for Electronics Assjobs they cant put enough servers on there games, so im waiting, the odd time when you do catch a server, stay on it. I dont care if u gotta poop ur pants, stay on it.
What are you talking about? I have gotten into a game on my first or second try every single time except for the first 30 minutes after it came out on Xbox Live...
It's not EA's fault, don't treat them like they're not even going to fix the problem. The game has been played by over 80,000 people in a single day, and it's only on the 360 so far, so it's no wonder why they don't have enough servers, they under estimated their own popularity. Just chill, there is word of it being worked on.
It's MUCH harder if you try to join as a group, because it needs to find a game with that many open slots.
Such a beautifully colourful game. Played it for hours, got 14 rankups. Definatley going to get it, and play more.
It looks pretty weird to me [about things other than graphics]. First there are Americans[?] fighting the Japanese, then a couple of Russian T-34 tanks pop up out of nowhere. I thought the Russians weren't fighting the Japanese in WW2, unless I'm mistaken. Otherwise it has good graphics and it looks like it has great game-play.
Actually, Russia declared war on Japan at the very end of WWII because it was an opportunity to take back land from the Japanese, specifically Manchuria and a few other formerly Russian territories.
I played the demo and wasn't really impressed. It's basically BF:BC with suckier graphics/weapons/classes/vehicles/gameplay, plus you only have the one gametype, whereas in BF:BC you have Gold Rush as well which is far better IMO. I guess if you don't wanna shell out the extra 5 dollars for an overall better gameplay experience, plus a campaign, then go ahead and buy 1943.
Played this game at my friends house. Just wondering, how big is the game file? I have 5 gigabytes left on my hardrive, will it fit?