Here you guys go, remember to read the video description and to Subscribe! YouTube - Halo Reach Leaked Footage | Cutscene Animations
Why would you drop your gun to punch an enemy? Even if you were out of ammo, the butt of your gun delivered at high speeds to his face would work much better than simply hitting him. Other than that, this looks pretty cool.
This looks like current Halo 3 marine animations. The dieing animation does at least, never really memorized a Jackal and a Marine in combat. Plus, if it were a Spartan he'd be towering over the Jackal, that model is eye-to-eye. And as Grif said, this even looks like part of the Halo 3 ViDOC's, released during Halo 3's drop. Though, it still doesn't eliminate the fact that it could be Halo:Reach game play, for it would probably be the same engine, or large portions of it. Though the video doesn't show much, so it's not exactly remarkable. Still, glad you're keeping a lookout.
Are there really going to be BRs in Reach? That seems like a pretty big retcon... But yeah whos knows if its real or not? We wont know until it ships.
No, this isn't footage of Reach, it's just some animations from Will Christiansen - the guy doing the animations for Halo: Reach. Maybe he just made some test animations for Halo: Reach just to get himself ready for it. I doubt that we'll be seeing Elite-sized Jackals in Reach.
The jackal isn't that big, it's just compared to a normal human. As opposed to an extremely tall spartan.
Be glad I didn't get Rick Rolled. I didn't want to hunt you down. That's probably from Halo 3: ODST, like the death animations and things, which would explain the Jackal being huge.
On another note, This looks Pretty Cool, If it is reach, Beating the **** out of a jackal with your bare hands would seem pretty fun.