I got here a couple days ago but I've been tired (obviously) and too busy to do more than check what's going on really quick while I was eating out...right now I'm in Jerusalem, Israel. Anyway, the computers here suck. Don't expect me around too much. Wifi is very limited, too...but Israel is pretty awesome. Lots of history n stuff. Lots of walking, and it always seems uphill I'll try to throw up some pictures or something soon but for now I have to run...sorry for not much of a post but there are people waiting...will add sooooon... Shalom ;D
Too bad you can't get decent wifi, but pretty cool that you were able to log on forgehub and post Can't wait untill you post some pics. Enjoy your stay.
Pictures when you come back dude. Pictures tell more than words you know. Well have fun in the meantime. =D
I have a camera with me but there's 3 crappy computers and their always in use. iPod needs a camera might be around tomorrow, well see what happens
Hey Insane. Bungie Day was the only thing that really happened. There were some people (Roche) that played 24 hours straight and some people who didn't. Agamer, Black Theorem, Gunslinger, and Iron Tusk all won recon somewhat early in the day by beating Bungie. Hope you're having a good time in Israel!
Dude, sounds awesome. Tell the folks over there I said hey. Actually, don't. That's weird. Hope you're having a good time, dude.
Ya and I was in that party till someone *cough gunslinger cough* kicked me. Anywho back no topic. Hope you have a blast there. Try local food, meet new people. take lots of pictures, and see famous monuments. Also get a Jerusalem cross they are rather cool but alas I lost mine swimming.
She should pretend like you're that guy from Assassins' Creed. You know, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, killing people. Have fun.
One of my friends died in Israel last year Christmas break. It was kinda sad. Anyways, as long as you don't fall of any buildings, you're good.
Have plenty fun and write some Isreali jingles on your geetar. Also, I'm gonna go spam up your profile page now.
Fend off the muslims for me, will you? Defend Jerusalem to the very last man. It's not the city you're protecting. It's the people.
I'll probably get slated for this, but that is one of my all-time favourite films. Kingdom of Heaven is ****ing immense.