Sandbox Congress

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Epitomous Nub, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. Epitomous Nub

    Epitomous Nub Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created By: Epitomous Nub

    Description -
    - A small symmetrical map that will play games with your radar. The overall layout of the map can be innacurately described as a corkscrew, due to the spiral floorplan. The map plays quickly, with vertical ambushes and cross map BR battles taking place often. The vertical pillars are reminiscent of monasteries and provide the most protection from incoming fire. The equipment available has a defensive focus, and when deployed changes the style of gameplay to accomodate more deffensive/offensive strategies. The weapons are light and power weapons are toned down, taking away most of the one shot, one kill advantage and forcing teamwork.

    Recommended for 1v1; 2v2; 3v3

    Congress is compatible with all gametypes and is recommended for 2 Flag CTF, Assault, Team Slayer and Land Grab.

    Weapons -
    8x Battle Rifle
    2x Carbine
    2x Mauler (no spare clip)
    2x Sniper Rifle (no spare clip)
    2x Plasma Rifle

    1x Bubble Shield
    2x Regenerator

    4x Plasma Grenades

    [Side Note] - Please download and test out or look at this map before commenting.





    --The pit in the middle keeps battles for the top interesting. --



    DOWNLOAD : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Epitomous Nub, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  2. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
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    well, it is interesting. so, good job on originality! but, the layout looks to open with little amounts of cover. add more cover and hiding spots, and you would have an awesome map! I'm looking forward to a V2! :)
  3. PhantomBishop

    PhantomBishop Ancient
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    I agree with RebelCow on everything. Your general idea was very original and you executed it perfectly. good job! 4/5 and a DL.
  4. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but this is spam. Please comment on the map properly.

    Otherwise, the map is fairly nice. Rough in a few places, but aslong as the gameplay is alright, that's fine. I don't know about 'little cover'. Theres a whole group of pillars. The makes firefights a little interesting.

    I'll download it once my Xbox is back. :p
  5. Epitomous Nub

    Epitomous Nub Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. Which places would you suggest improvement on?
  6. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It hardly need cover, there's cover everywhere.
    As for a personal opinion, I think this map is great. The unique corkscrew-like shape is original, the aesthetics feel right, and the gameplay is fun.
  7. Kiloh Ekim

    Kiloh Ekim Ancient
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    I agree with RebelCow on the great originality, and that you need a change in cover but I disagree on how. The columns look as if they will provide great cover to your map, especially you have them in bulk supply but I think that the fact that your're using columns could be a hindrance in some ways.

    Simply adding cover (dropping in a few columns and obelisks) rarely works in practice, as this type of quick cover blocks only few shots and can't provide any real escape from incoming fire because enemies can easily strafe and fire around them. I suggest adding more bulky cover or perhaps stratagically adding smaller cover that breaks major lines of sight.

    Still, strong map. Good job and keep Forging!
  8. Epitomous Nub

    Epitomous Nub Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The cover comes mainly from flight and dropping down a level. It is light to promote a quick, crackling firefight. Try this out with some friends, you will notice that cover is there to aid in flight, not a parked position. Thanks for the input, I will actually be testing out this map with more cover to see how it responds.

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