Welcome to the Key Card Teleporter Switch Link, Should have picture by tommorow! Warning: This is origianl to my knowledge. I asked visily if he made something like this, but he never anwsered me. The switch is Basicly one sender node, two blocked reciever nodes, and two slots to throw the power drain in. simple enough. Now to the pics! Overview, Front Overview, Back The Propane Tanks Blocking The Teleporter (Same on other side) Spot To Throw Power Drain Into (Same on other side) Teleporter Blocked Switch Working Thanks to all the people who helped! BlindBadass2020 (aka: Nathan) = Wow, were do I start? You were there the whole time, keeping me company and suggesting that I do a teleporter switch in the first place! TwistedMetal72 (aka: Eian) = Thanks for putting up with the awful things me and Nathan said to you! And also for helping me make sure this thing was retard proof "Not saying that your a retard, but your pretty damn close!" Kelly1996 = thanks for keeping me company and suggesting I add sheild doors to the front! Link, Should have picture by tommorow!
The concept is old, but you added a new step i havent seen before. So its not totally new, but you did a good job forging it and making it work.
Let me see if I have this right: You throw a powerdrain into the hole. When the drain explodes, it destroys the propane tanks that explode and destroy fusion coils that are blocking a receiver? If thats not right, then that would seem like a much easier way to do it...
But that's not a switch because there's no triger. And sorry for the controversy, but if you read it; it says the propane tanks are blocking the teleporters. the teleporters are under the map for smoothness.
nice switch but dont you think it would have more uses on Sand box? becuse in my opionon foundry is too small to make a good vip or infection style map useing the switch
I don't know, It's a pretty small switch. It takes a bit too much time to do for infection though if you have a crazy zombie trying to eat your flesh chasing you around the map.
True, I was going to change it, But then thought, If I put a power weapon on the other end, It would be Risk/Reward. Trying to live for thirty seconds to get inside.
Fusion coils, yes. Frags, no. This switch is one that's rare and is simple to make and could easily be used in a map. On any normal map, people spawn with frag grenades and could ultimately unlock both teleporters with one spawn. But if a powerdrain has no respawn, then only one teleporter could ever be unblocked, period. If I use this in a map, I'll try to credit you.
Yeah you said that allready. But the point I'm trying to get through your thick skull is 1="Frankly, I just don't give a damn!" And 2="That would require no skill to make at all. It would just be a teleporter and a fusioncoil on top of it. That's not a switch. Next time, don't try to tell someone something redundent. Thank you sir!