I was wondering why Bungie was suggesting to, instead of making canvas maps, stacking all the objects in one place. It has to do with wanting more objects later on, but I have no idea really what the difference is.
The issue they speak of has to do with the overall item limit, which is the maximum amount of objects (including spawn points, respawn areas, objectives, etc.) that can be placed in Sandbox. This is a separate entity from the budget, and in most cases you'll run out of money before you hit the item limit. All of the default items are already factored in to the item limit, and deleting them essentially restricts what you can put on the map even further. There are arguments for and against using a canvas over a stacked map, but I'll let you decide for yourself.
Always use a stacked canvas so you can use the entire budget. So many great maps are limited because they didn't use a stacked map and they're missing spawn points and gametypes.
No one here is in the business of telling you how to do things. I provide information; it's up to you what to do with it.
It's not always fun being srs all the time. How about this: squidhands, which do you use for your maps, canvas, or stacked? That should help you decide Ponponhead.
Fair enough. I use a hybrid; I've deleted all of the original scenery, leaving only the weapons, spawns, and objectives. It's been proven that you'll run out of money before you hit the object limit, so I don't want to bother with the pain in the ass default scenery. They move on their own, they're very tricky to interlock, and some of them have their runtime max set higher than normal, leaving you with less money. Deleting them all just saves me a headache. Be warned, though: there is a glitch when co-forging over xbl where all of your objectives, starting spawns, and respawn areas will just vanish from time to time. Can't really say as to why this happens, but it will completely **** up your project and you'll most likely have to start again from scratch. This is where the stacked maps have the edge; you already have a lot of scenery that won't further eat into your object limit number (OLN), so if the glitch does happen to you, you'll still be able to make the map work as you want. I've encountered the glitch myself, and it make me a sad squid. I'm still partial to my personal setup, though.
Thanks, I learned a lot from this. I'm happy I won't experience that glitch squid was talking about because whenever I'm on XBL I have it set to invite-only. I hate it when people just join in while you're concentrating on positioning a block, then they become connection host, and everything messes it up.
I would not recommend using a blank canvas for Sandbox. There is no reason to loose all thoese spawn points and pieces. I myself start with an OLN stacked canvas and then about half way through the production of a map, I turn it into a money glitch map. I tend to make pretty big maps so I have to have at least some stuff money glitched. Again, I basically use a combination of an OLN stacked canvas and then convert it to a money glitch map.
Actually, I use an empty Guardian-Laser Free canvas map with original spawns kept , and this works quite well. You don't really run into the object limit that often, even it is a relatively big map. But then again the starting map is completely up to you. In fact, you should just experiment around with the different types of canvas and just pick the one you feel comfortable with using and stick with it.
I start off with a stacked canvas and then I delete all the objects except spawns, original weapons, powerups, and equipment. It really is a forgers preference to what they prefer.
Again, I run into the OLN on every map I make on Sandbox. So using an OLN stacked canvas gives me many more pieces then the way you do it. Even if it's like only ten or twenty items, it's makes a big difference to the maps that I make. For example, let's say that I wanted to use the four default mongooses. That's four more pieces than your method right there. Let's say I used a default ramp, a default block, a default bubble shield.. You can see my point. I think using a blank canvas is a bad idea.
I did a test, and starting with only the original objective points and starting points/spawns, I was able to throw down the full $1500 in just random scenery. Now, if this works for using anything other than scenery, I don't fully know. Anyone else know? Also, I have another question. I am trying to geomerge a corner tube, I got a Y piece geomerged but this corner tube won't stay where I put it. After I save and quit, the next day when I load the map up its back to the top of the ground. Any suggestions, ideas?
Isn't this question answered already? Lock pl0x. Also, I think you've reached the money limit before you hit the item limit, or something, if that's possible. I heard something about 500 objects being able to fit into Sandbox maps. Search for it.
This is the last post I will make on this thread. Like I said before, all of my maps start as an OLN stacked canvas and then I MONEY GLITCH a lot of items. The whole idea of putting down the 1500 dollars is irrelevant. I use way over the regular budget. That's why the stacked material really makes a big difference on my maps, because I hit the OLN every time.
This may be a stupid question, but are there any cons of using stacked maps? Because I've been convinced otherwise and I want to know if I should start using stacked.
sometimes the OLN objects don't spawn in their new positions, and require waiting for 30 seconds or even a round restart sometimes. they're basically just fickle objects.
Wait so a canvas map is a map that you used what Bungie gave you in the original Map Sandbox. It's a little confusing for me too. >_>