Dead Halls is a mix of different halls and rooms that connect in different ways to form an area that flows with the player as one, and a team as a whole. The aesthetics and architecture resemble the look and feel of a pharaoh's tomb, or better yet, his dungeon. - - - I worked on this map with xJFISCH25x for some time, he helped me with architectural design and weapon placement, so I give him credit for that. Download Dead Halls This map is recommended for 4-8 players. Supported Gametypes: Capture The Flag Team Slayer Team Oddball Territories Assault Strategy is vital here when doing objective gametypes. - - - The Overview below will explain everything, and show you the routes each team can take to navigate through the map. NOTE: I took off all the ceilings for a cutaway view. White dotted lines are edges that are not visible from this perspective. Weapons: 4x Battle Rifles with 2 extra clips each, 10sec respawn each 2x Carbines with 2 extra clips each, 10sec respawn each 2x SMGs with 2 extra clips each, 30sec respawn each 2x Spikers with 2 extra clips each, 30sec respawn each 2x Maulers with 1 extra clip each, 30sec respawn each 2x Brute Shots with 2 extra clips each, 30sec respawn each 1x Rocket Launcher with 1 extra clip, 90sec respawn 2x Turrets, 30sec respawn each - - - Equipment: 4x Frag nades, 10sec respawn each 4x Plasma nades, 10sec respawn each 2x Spike nades, 10sec respawn each 1x Power Drain, 90sec respawn 1x Bubble Shield, 90sec respawn 1x Overshield, 120sec respawn 1x Camo, 120sec respawn Here is the Blue base from the ground. Here is the Blue base from atop the scaffolds. Location of the Blue team's Bomb spawn/plant point. Location of the Blue team's Flag spawn/plant point. In the tunnel to the right, you will find Camo!! The Crypt, which both sides connect to contains the shotgun, a bubble shield and other goodies. Another Crypt perspective. Yet another Crypt shot. (The Crypt room is one of the biggest rooms) Annnnnd another Crypt shot, this one is from the very back. The Main Hall, from above. The Main Hall, from the cold, hard ground. The Red Base's turret being used, and the back ramp that leads to the Crypt. A perspective from the Red side. Another perspective from the Red side, looking all the way through the main hall to the Blue side. Red hall, that leads to the powerdrain and Main Hall. Location of the Red team's Bomb spawn/plant point. Location of the Red team's Flag spawn/plant point. Directly to the far left in the corner is an Overshield!! Well, that's my map guys and I hope you all enjoy it, please leave a comment & rate!!
Wow, i saw this this in testing, it looks very good, but it seems even better now. The layout and design you have here looks very nice and i cant wait to try it. Also the map seems like it would play quite well on infection. Either way 5/5
Wow this looks realy cool. I like how the rooms look different from eachother and look very neat. It looks like the map could be fun to play on. Dl from me!
YES! one of my favorite maps finally hits the forums I was in on the testing session of this map and I loved it. The layout is awesome and the aesthetics are fantastic. Wonderful use of the crypt. No pun intended 5/5 and a def download
This is a cool concept for a map, it's great how the map gives that "tomb" feeling. Some very nice doorways too. Actually reminds me of the ruined forts in Oblivion for some reason
You know, I think I know what you mean! I was reminded of that when I was making it. Thanks for the comments guys, really appreciate it
wow this map is pretty darn sexy i think these kind of maps are allot better than the really conformed mainstream maps because they remind me of the good old days of halo 1 but maybe thats just me . 4.59/5