Sandbox Halo Delta

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Spartan45kill, May 18, 2009.

  1. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halo Delta v3.5

    Halo Delta 3.5

    So I start again with the new and last version of Halo delta v3.5!

    10-16 players

    -CTF : One Flag & Multi Flag
    -Assault : One Bomb
    -Slayer : BTB & Team Slayer
    -Territories : one side

    Weapons :

    -2 snipers
    -1 Rocket Launcher(4 rockets) 120s
    -5 battle riffles
    -2 plasma pistols
    -2 plasma riffles
    -2 SMG
    -4 spikers
    -1 mauler
    -1 plasma turret
    -1 carbine
    -2 needlers

    Vehicules :

    -2 mongooses
    -2 warthogs
    -1 ghost
    -2 choppers

    Equipment :

    -1 bubble shield
    -1 armor
    -1 regenerator
    -2 drains

    Global view :


    Red base :






    Blue base :





    Middle :



    I hope that ths new version is better :p

    Here the new link :
    #1 Spartan45kill, May 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  2. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks like a good map, but i think it may be better for one sided objective game types because it seems very unbalanced in the bases.

    blue base seems like it would be a fortress if someone got in there with a sniper while red base seems very confined like a shotgun could rule it. also there doesn't seem to be much cover considering there are warthogs and banshees on the map. I say 3/5 for now and on ways to improve i would say more cover in the middle.
  3. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There are no more cover in the middle to leave the square with the fights of vehicles.
    The blue base is not really a fortress because there are 3 gates to enter.
  4. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    why does the middle look like u just through stuff out at different angles?
    And Why did u leave the middle unchanged from the original sandbox? it does show creativity
  5. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You think that I only threw blocks wherever just to make covers in the middle of the map ? You're wrong I tried to I leave the place with vehicles while giving the possibility of crossing the map on foot. But thank for your feedback.
  6. HLG Raider

    HLG Raider Ancient
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    This looks like a fun map for large parties and I love the windows in the bases. But it looks as though there isn't much of a chance for people walking to the enemy base because of lack of... a mancannon? Just an idea, but it looks like a cool map. 3.5/5

    Oh, and did you do any merging? Just wondering, it doesn't look like it.
  7. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank for your feedback and I'm sorry not to have answered earlier...
    A man cannon can be a good idea!
    And no I didn't do any merging.

    Just a thing : I tried to improve my map so I give you the link to see the new version of it. : Halo 3 File Details
    In it there are two new covers, more respawns points and I have changed some details in the red base.
    I hope the map is better now !
  8. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halo Delta 2.5

    Halo Delta 2.5
    Sorry for the double post but I want to show you my new version of Halo Delta. In it I tried to improve respawn so I added an area to respawn behind the temple.


    I added a rampart for the red base :




    - Improvement of three banisters to fluidify the movements:



    + that inside the temple.


    - no more banshee
    - Some changes of weapons
    I hope that will be good for the gameplay !!

    New Link: : Halo 3 File Details



    Hope a lot of feedback !!!
    #8 Spartan45kill, Jul 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  9. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The second version is a great improvement, though I still do not think this is nearly finished. Both the bases have started to look quite good now but I think you still need to do a lot of work to the middle of the map to improve asethetics and gameplay.
  10. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Your base designs are great and of similar quality to those included in matchmaking, so good job on that. As already mentioned, the middle needs more cover as players are not always going to be travelling via hog/mongoose.

    I'm not going to rate it as I've not actually played it but great job on the bases! Keep that quality of construction up for other maps and i'm sure they'll be great.
  11. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank to you for your feedbacks !! I hope that I'll have the movie of a game on halo Delta to show you more about the gameplay. But I'll also try to improve the middle of the map !
  12. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The bases are the best part. But it is too open. You need to add a lot more cover. Try tunnels or just walls to get behind.
  13. used man

    used man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    send me a friend request on xbl. ill help make a center structure. :)
  14. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halo Delta 3.0

    I show you the version 3 with a new midddle of the map :





    I also added a rocket launcher.

    New Link : : Halo 3 File Details
    Please rate and comment the new version !!!
  15. xI MobiuS Ix

    xI MobiuS Ix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it looks like you made this in a couple of hours then posted it. the middle is unchanged from the original sandbox map. its also really unbalanced, it would most likely serve best as an objective map. do not want
  16. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for your feedback !
    In your post you're a bit right because I've a big problem : I haven't got any pieces to make the middle like I want ! I also prefer build great structure with lot of interlocking but I can't...
    But if you've got an idea, you can say it to me.
  17. Petque

    Petque Ancient
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    Hello :)P)

    I try your map yesterday and I love it! I played in your map with 5 of my friends and we all love it! Beautiful structure, and there was big fighting everywhere in the map!

    In fact i like vehicle map so i can't hate it :p

    I just think that you have to change the middle because it's the same than in Sandbox (and i don't really like it)

    4.5/5 for me :)
  18. Spartan45kill

    Spartan45kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halo Delta 3.5

    So I start again with the new and last version of Halo delta v3.5!

    10-16 players

    -CTF : One Flag & Multi Flag
    -Assault : One Bomb
    -Slayer : BTB & Team Slayer
    -Territories : one side

    Weapons :

    -2 snipers
    -1 Rocket Launcher(4 rockets) 120s
    -5 battle riffles
    -2 plasma pistols
    -2 plasma riffles
    -2 SMG
    -4 spikers
    -1 mauler
    -1 plasma turret
    -1 carbine
    -2 needlers

    Vehicules :

    -2 mongooses
    -2 warthogs
    -1 ghost
    -2 choppers

    Equipment :

    -1 bubble shield
    -1 armor
    -1 regenerator
    -2 drains

    Global view :


    Red base :






    Blue base :





    Middle :



    I hope that ths new version is better :p

    Here the new link :

    PS : Thank Petque :p
  19. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright! Now you got it! The added cover is awesome and aesthetically pleasing. I like the improved buildings aswell. 5/5 for the remake
  20. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    =O That looks like it runs so smooth, that couldv'e been a B-Day map =), CTF for sure! Maybe close off the upsidedown quarter walls or farther otu so u cant just walk around. nice 4.6/5 =)

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