Thats right everyone, im making a montage of all the kick ass stuff we forgers did on bungie day. If you got an insane stick, a triple no scope or even killed a recon man... Send a message with the clip recommended to gt: Hectic HazSaucE Thanks for all who participate.
nothing that special and not good for a montage but check out this rendered video with me dealing some ownage lol. Watch it all and you could take a clip from it or whatever. Hope you enjoy i know others have already. Its on Regicide btw
I would but i have to intall the thing to play videos on my computer but mom won't let me cause this is hers. Mine is brokeded. (insert sad face). Ill take a look at it over the weekend. Did anyone else do anything decent?
I had a couple overkills and some trips, frenzies, a riot and what not but I never saved any of my films or else I would help you out...I'm sorry.
Well i only played about 7 games before finding Bungie, although before that i did get a pretty good ninja kill... I will send it to you.
Ok. And to pitty, don't worry about it. By this point most people prolly dont have to much saved and if montage. If you did anything worth wihle against bungie then send me that also. Thanks alot.