Unlimited Budget Glitch

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dragoncoals, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    What do you mean by "different versions?"
  2. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    ok, the forging 101 talks about setting the runtime max to the max, right. well i figured out that if you just set the runtime max to 1 higher then the amount on the map, the glitch will still work, and you can delete stuff aslong as you don't the original, or you delete any after you have made the maximum.
  3. AidenApocalypse

    AidenApocalypse Ancient
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    Okay. I'm having a problem with it. I sat and did what it says, up to the point that I had like $20. I saved the map and exited. I loaded it back up in forge and went to put another object in but as soon as I selected that object, my budget went straight back down from $600(ish) to the $20. I really don't know what to do to get all of the objects on the map at the same time with full run time maximums.
  4. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    ignore the budget #, it means nothing when you have the glitch on, you can still make things when it is at 0
  5. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I don't know if this is the correct thread, but has anyone found out the maximum number of items allowed?

    I know this sounds the same but it isn't. There is actually a hidden number that defines the number of objects (any object) a map can hold. So, regardless of whether you are editing a glitched or non-glitched map, there is still that item count limit.

    Does anyone know what that number is?

    If not, I can find out later, but I am at work right now... >_<

  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Kaya, I'm not understanding how your method works.

    I just refined this Glitch to make it so you can delete items, and I'm currently working on canvas that demonstrates what I did.
  7. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Nemi, the item that started the glitch can't be deleted.(or else you can't place more of that type on the map.)
    Otherwise you can delete anything as you see fit.
  8. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    BUT, if you delete a newly created wall, your "Maximum" will also decrease by one. So instead of 16 you are now at 15. If you don't notice this trend then after a while you will have no items to use, and start to wonder what happened.

    This is why we say to delete nothing until you are absolutely sure you don't need it.

    This is my experience working with the glitched map.


    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    Is there a way to add this to a map already built if so how??
  10. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    But if you delete an item and the max goes from 16 to 15. Make an item, it will go back up to 16, trust me I have done it B4
  11. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    ^ Yeah, that is what happens.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    doesnt really awnser my question
  13. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Yes, there is.

    7 Easy Steps for Adding the "Unlimited Budget Glitch" to your Existing Map!

    Having about $75 to $100 left on your budget will make this easier, but you could work with as little as $20 (though it takes a very long time to glitch all items with less budget remaining). The amount of budget you have left determines how many NEW items you can glitch (more on this below).

    1. Load up your map and start a forge game. Turn into a monitor (duh).
    2. Make sure there is at least one of the item you wish to glitch. If not, do so now. You can skip this step if there is at least one of this item on the map.
    3. Bring up the pallet menu (hit X) and highlight the item to be glitched and hit X again.
    4. Change the item maximum to, well, the maximum allowed (24 double boxes for example).
    5. Repeat steps 2-4 with other items until you are out of budget.
    6. Save and quit.
    7. Repeat steps 2-6 for all items to be glitched.

    CAVEATS (read: the price you pay for adding this glitch at the last minute):
    *** Even if you have enough budget, sometimes the game doesn't allow you to turn the item maximum number all the way up. If this is the case, you must bump up the maximum number in smaller increments. This means more S&Q. A pain, I know. Only experimenting with the glitch will tell you how its going to pan out.***

    ***If you do not have one of the item on the map and need to create one, sometimes your budget will drop back down to $0. S&Q at this point, and load up the map again. You should have most of your budget restored.***

    ***Be aware that your overall budget will decrease if you need to create a new item to be glitched. By "new" I mean any item that does not currently exist on your map. Example: you have no pallets on the map now, but want 16. The one pallet you create to enable the glitch will take away from your budget permanently, while the other 15 will not. This is a problem if you want to glitch many new items. This is why I say at the beginning to have a reasonable budget remaining. I recommend deleting some of the items that are easier to replace (i.e. weapons and equipment) to salvage those dollars for the glitch.***

    ***Working with a smaller remaining budget will make this process take a very long time. Again, a lot of S&Q. Be prepared.***

    Hope this helps,


    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    great i can finish my map when i am done and to do the glitch basically do the same thing i would if i started a new map but with those steps right :)

    bty thanks
  15. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    You're welcome.

    Yes, its not a complicated glitch if you have some understanding of what's going on.

  16. KillerxPenguin

    KillerxPenguin Ancient
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    none of the Foundry Glitch Canvases are working for me
  17. xSitVx Gamer

    xSitVx Gamer Ancient
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    Thanks for the info
  18. SLY JD

    SLY JD Ancient
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    I've got the problem of not being able to place anymore items on the map. I still have a budget of about $150, I'm just out of items. Will the glitch let me put extra items onto the map?
  19. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    To date, there is no way to beat the item limit (more on this below). There may be a method that someone described in one of the many threads that I could have missed, but I'm not sure.

    For now try deleting some unnecessary objects if you can. That would be the first step. The second thing you can do is consolidate. What I mean is try to combine two objects into one (2 walls can be substituted for a single, double wall). You may have so to simplify a few parts of your map, but if the gameplay is mostly unaffected you should do it.

    You should also take into consideration that Bungie has limits on items and budget for a reason. I ran into a problem on my map because I was WAY PAST the budget (used money glitch), and at or near the item limit. Any time I tried to play it in a custom game with more than 6-8 players, the map would fail to load. This was a huge problem because the map is meant for 8-16 players. I took my own advice and followed the first two steps to get the number of items under control. I was still way over the budget limit, but the map successfully loaded for large parties so I left it alone. Sadly, I am too busy to put together a post to publish it... but that's another story.

    I hope this helps you.

  20. SLY JD

    SLY JD Ancient
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    Thanks for confirming that. It's a shame though.

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