Me and B3S1 have made another map. We made it because we were tired of playing on MLG Pit and Guardian all the time. It's definitely our best work yet. It's a open style MLG map, where height and distance prevails. Perfect example of how map control wins games. Works with MLG TS, but Team Snipers is okay too. The two bases are identical. But there is a tall side of the map, and a shorter, purple side. The Mid Bridge has a sniper because I felt I needed to put it on a location that stands out, and prevent there being two snipers. I didn't want CP or Rockets on this map, because I really don't like the "noobish" kind of feel to the serious power weapons of the game. I hope you guys enjoy. If you can, send messages to my gamertag rather than leaving comments on here, seeing as I can't get to a computer that often anymore. GT: KingProdigy617 ------Download Link------: ------Weapon List------ BR x6 Carbine x2 Mauler x1 Sniper x1 Plasma Pistol x1 Plasma Nade x2 Frag Nade x2 ------Pictures------ Red Base: Back Of Red Base: Mid Bridge: UTube (Cleverness?): Plasma Pistol: Purp: Tall Side:
Looking at your pictures, the map itself looks pretty solid. I didn't see any merging though. But, I will say for a map without any merging I still think I might play on it. I'll give a try and tell you what I think
This map looks pretty slick. The temple-like base area is what caught my eye. I'm thinking this is gonna be boatloads of fun to play on, and the aesthetics are pretty nice to boot. Well done. 5/5
Thanks. I have noted that sometimes, the red team will spawn at the blue base and vice versa. I cant explain why however...
really cool looking map. it could be fun for neutral assault. (with the bomb on the bridge) Personally, I would remove the sniper and add a shotgun, but the sniper isn't too bad. I'll DL when I link my GT
I would like more screen shots of the map. But of what you shown above it looks rather decent. I dont really see any merging besides that the layout looks great but the red walls used seems a little overdine in the first screen shot maybe delete a couple.