Hi, I just downloaded the game know and I'm really excited to see how popular this game is going to be. I can see that it's going to be BIG, because it's basically the same as BC, but in world war 2 of course. The only problems I can see at the minute is the faulty servers, which they say they're updating. I can't seem to get the hang of the controls in the planes either, but that's just me. A tip, if anyone out there has not noticed: With the scout, you can quick scope flawlessly, you just have your target in the centre of the screen, hold the scope button for less than a second and shoot. Your bullet will go exactly where the cross hair would of been. The scope doesn't have to be up at all for the bullet to go exactly where you want it. I can see this being a big favourite for people in games. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone's bought the game yet and what you think of it.
Well, it's pretty horrible right now because I can't even connect to any game. But from what I have played, it is very fun, and I can't wait to play some more.
Yeh, I don't understand why they made a game, which they knew would be popular, with so little servers. The problem should really have been taken care of before the game was released. The tutorial is promising though, lol!
You're getting ODST right? That comes with the maps. The inability to find a game right now sucks, but it took worms 2 about 2 days before the online had enough people to routinely find good games. Within a few days it will be much better.
Played a lot of it, love it. For an arcade game or even just a game in general, it's awesome. Through all the fighting you just stop and look around at the bombings, dof fights, explosion, detruction.....its just so beautiful.....in a weird way. I love the snipers, that's all I pick. C4 roads and snipe doods, it's all I do.
I've played a couple hours of actual games, after trying to find one for an hour. This game is incredible. I haven't played anything this big since Star Wars Battlefront 2. The scope of the battles is amazing. It takes like 3 minutes to sprint from one side of each map to the other. Also, I don't know if anyone has played this or not, but the level where you start on an aircraft carrier and have to take boats into battle is so cool, and has a really cool quality to it. I have played mostly on Guadalcanal, and I have to say the vertical aspect of that map is amazing... you can sprint-jump up the mountains and perch there with a sniper to take out guys that are across the map. I play the Rifleman class. Has anyone tried to check their stats on the BF1943 site? Because when I checked it said I don't own the game, have any achievements, or have played any matches, but it says I have killed 29 people and have 28 deaths (which is a several hours old stat)... Odd.
I own Battlefield: 1942, the original PC game, and I must say it is very similar to 1943. Similarities: The three maps are perfect reproductions Differences (Good): Frostbite engine, better graphics Differences (Bad): Less classes (Used to be Scout, Medic, Engineer, Rifleman, and one other), Less maps (10 to 4, and Coral Sea wasn't even in 1942), Just the Pacific Theatre. Maybe they will release the European or African Theatres later as new games that share overall stats...
The matchmaking is fine now, every time i've searched for a game recently it's found a match. I can't believe this game can be classed as an arcade game lol, it really is awesome.