I only hope theres an outside to the map, can i get a "Floating forerunner over the water FTW map" cheer Plox? i kno, citadel is sexy, longshore is sexy, and so is heretic, which is pretty obviously a remake of gemini, i just wish bungie had remade gemini with assembly, so some other, sexy map would be in heretics place, even tho it lookz sexy. they all look really cool IMO cant wait for ODST now. AND NO, THE SWORD YOU SEE THERE IS ACTUALY A BEAM RIFLE, I SAW IT IN HIGH DEF, WITH THE SIZE MAXIMIZED AND I AM 100% POSITIVE ITS A BEAM RIFLE.
I would also like to see an HD image. I can't find this beam rifle/sword you guys are talking about. Anyways, out of all of these, I think that I am more excited about longshore the most. I tend to like those kinds of maps. It actually looks like long shore is the outside of foundry, I don't know if anyone has noticed that. We really havn't seen much of this map though yet, so we really can't say much about it.
Wow, Heretic and Longshore look pretty good. I did not include Citadel because the picture really does not give me idea of how the map really looks like and it looks kinda tight (literally). Can't wait for more pics soon!
I've noticed that in each map pack there has been a forging map, Heroic=Foundry Legendary=Avalanche Mythic=Sandbox What's this one going to be?
I hate to be 'that guy' but thats an energy sword. Again, I apoligize for being a prick, because your an amazing forger, but thats an energy sword. Also, to the last poster, I think Longshore would be a great map to make racetracks on.
I hope the double boxes on Longshore are immovable. I'd really like to make more platforms/towers over the water, maybe give it a Headlong feel.
Call me crazy, but doesnt Heretic look a lot like Midship? =P I cant tell, but does anyone else think that Citadel looks a little small? I really hope not... It looks smaller than the pit though. It better have bigger rooms And Im incredibly glad that there is finally another urban map like Longshore. Ive wanted a city-based map for so long! For some reason, I have a feeling that Heretic is going to lack forging capability though... Its soo small.
I don't think that heretic was really meant for forging, maybe someone could make use of the platform in an infection map? Longshore on the other hand does. It's kinda like avalanche in a forging sense.
I dont think that there will be anything to do to the platform to make a map- like there may only be useless scenery which doesnt affect the platform at all. It seems like the items will be much like Cold Storage if not worse- mostly useless items to block pathways and that is it... I just hope that there is a ton of space on the ocean and not an invisible wall halfway down it. Also, it would be cool if it werent a trench where you fall to your death and you could dive in!
I, as well, do not want to be the prick of the group, but if you zoom in on the bungie.net picture in high def, you will see that it is definately not a sword but a beam rifle. As for the maps: Heretic doesn't interest me too much. It brings nothing new to Halo 3. Although it does look amazing and im sure it will play the same, the fact that I know exactly what it will be just kinda bores me. On the other hand, I can't wait for Citadel! It looks sooo good just from that one picture; the way the light shines in is just amazing. And you can see some of the upper walkway, I just have a really good feeling about that map. My only concern is about the rockets. Although we've only been given one picture, it seems as though rockets would dominate on this map, not fun.... Longshore- AMAZING. Nothing I had been imagining it to be, but it looks epic gameplay wise. And yes, I can definately see some nice racetracks on this map. Having a ramp from the open balcony on the left side all the way down to the "basement level" on the right side would make for a SWEET jump
Can't believe they remade Headlong instead of Relic. What a complete let-down. I, for one, will not be getting ODST. I'll only consider it if you can Forge Firefight maps. Which is the most unlikely thing around at the moment.
It looks like a beam rifle because the sword is not facing towards you. But that electric blue-glow is unmistakeably a sword. Also, lifeboats! Yay. I'm wondering if A) they float, and B) you can spawn them.
Longshore Has (in the picture) 2x Br 1xAr 1xMachine gun 1xsword Also Stair like on foundry The spikes thing on lampost (mabey birds)
no its definitely a beam rifle. if you imagine the weapon's angle if you were standing in the entry way.. Bungie doesn't place their weapons at angles like that. A mauler on the ground might be angled, but something on a weapon holder is always straight on. Plus, thats a ridiculous spot for a sword. Also, the angle of the weapon holder doesn't match up with the angle of a would-be sword. gotta be a beam rifle. just makes sense
actualy it looks to me like the weapon, if it were a sword, would be perfectly alligned with the doorway. also, Bungie has never put anything on a weapon holder (that i know of) that wasn't a sword. But i agree, that doesn't look like a spot for a sword to be. also i see waterbarrel (like on ghost town) and a forklift (like on foundry)
Exactly, therefore, it is a sword, considering it looks like one. On the other hand, I can't wait for these maps. I'm not sure which one I'm most excited for, because they honestly all look so good. I know Heretic will play amazing, but perhaps there is better. I'm not sure yet of course, we will just have to wait and see.
All these maps are looking good. I'm especially excited for Citadel, it looks like it has a lot of potential (I want more pics please Bungie). Heretic looks nice too, but I'm not sure how similar it will play to Midship (not that I played a ton of H2 anyways). Bungie said they made it as accurate to the original as possible, so I'm hoping it works out well with the Halo 3 engine. And even though I don't usually like larger maps, Longshore may change my mind. I'll patiently await for more info in the coming months.