Today I saw a person in Bungie Vs World who had a highest skill of 50. I know what you're thinking, that's not uncommon. Then again, how often do you see one who's done only 1 ranked game? H4X!!!11!!!1 By the way, one person on my team was experiencing troubles such as inability to stop firing, and he could not move either, so he was just standing still shooting in one direction.
My only suggestion is to report his gamertag to Xbox Live Customer Support or e-mail Bungie a letter. Good luck with that.
I severely doubt he had one ranked game and he was a general, people who killed during laggy games just love to blame it on standbying/lag switching. I was blamed for lag switching last night while playing Bungie vs World, although I wasn't. If I'm right that you're over exaggerating and he was a 50 with (however many games, I believe the minimum is 34), network manipulation would occur less often than you think. In the case that you're right about all this (and we know how frequently people complain about lag switchers and boosters are right.......) report it to Bungie directly.
I had an account that was a 48 with only 4 ranked games played. It's easy to do, you just quit out of the game right after it says game over and you'll return to lobby. Your will decrease just like quitting out of games but your skill level will still increase just like you won that game and it also won't show a game played. So ya grow up, just because you can't do it or haven't seen it before doesn't mean it's HAXORS OMFGWTF...
at the end of each game, the kid quite right as he was about to win or lose, causing him to rank up but not have any games show up that he played.
It's not a hack silly. He quits right as the game ends. It's a glitch that's been around since the beginning of Halo 3. I've played with quite a few people with the same results. Go ahead, be a snitch...
Many times during the time I was playing BvW I kept going to red bar. It just matters on the stability of your connection, my connection typically has lag spikes causing me to go red bar every now and again, it's normal. Just because you or someone else lags doesn't mean the other team is using a lag switch. Why the **** would you do that in a social playlist anyways? Get over yourself and deal with Xbox Live.
Hey hey hey, I didn't say I was lagging, I'm not complaining at all. My friend was the one who said he couldn't move and could not stop shooting. I can deal with xbox live my friend, I've been on it for over a year by now.