Futile Forging

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Paragon Fury, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. Darkastic

    Darkastic Ancient
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    That's because you, kid, are 110% asshole in what you have said. Is there any possible way you could even gloat further? Because I would love to read all about it. Someone's gonna have to knock you off that high horse. Seriously, your sarcasm is so thick that I can't see through all the bologna you be spittin..

    Well, at least you're acting your age
    #21 Darkastic, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  2. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    ^ Missed the sarcasm.
  3. Darkastic

    Darkastic Ancient
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    ^Missed that I didn't miss his sarcasm, because I prey on crap like this.
  4. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    Forging isn't about getting noticed. Its about gaining skills that are usable in the future, having fun, making friends. If you go out forging to get your name known to people then your map will never be good enough to become noticed, simply because your goals are wrong. Thinking like that makes you a really negative person, therefore you become pessimistic about your map and quit, simple as that, its not about your skills related to anyone else's or the community. Your problem is that you don't think positively, you aren't optimistic about your map. When your planning your map you aren't saying, "Hmm, what would be a cool/awesome/fun/amazing/new map?", instead you're asking yourself "What can I do to make my name popular?". Now how does thinking like that improve your map? Its not even related to your map, stop focusing on attention, focus on fun and the popularity will come naturally.

    Guys stop flaming colors. Sure they get noticed more but they have a much higher level of standards. I've seen a color's map (won't mention who) and I was disappointed in it. It wasn't that amazing standard of maps that I'm used to seeing from colors. I was saddened to see this. However when I compared it to other maps published that day and it was better than 90% of them. Colors have to work harder to retain their reputation. This hard work is the only reason they have their colored name in the end anyways. Don't bash them because they get noticed better, respect them for their hard work and most importantly learn off them, that's the only way you will get better.

    Darkastic, stop being a drama queen. He was making a point, albeit in a cynical way, but that is his personality, don't bash him on it.
  5. MousseMooseROCKS

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    Conkerkid is the wisest 14 year old ever.
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    if you're only forging to gain internet fame, then yes, you are wasting your time. I just like to make maps because its fun. I dont really care if anyone plays them, or how many people download them. Realign your priorities in life.
  7. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    I HATE this argument. Do you think Halo 3 came out and people were just like "I bet Cosmic Rick will make great maps!"? NO. The reason there more popular and noticed is because they MAKE GOOD MAPS! Yeah a lot of Premiums get features. Because they've already proven they can make good maps, so its not too shocking they made another good one. Instead of saying how the maps already been made better, why don't you make the map that is better?

  8. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Lol, you went back and edited it...
  9. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I'd say that I forge because I like playing with my friends, but I have no friends. I'd say that I forge so that one day i'll be a recognised forger, but I honestly couldn't give a crap what anyone thought of my maps, unless it could get me money, which it cannot. Those 1500 Microsoft points I won in the Forgotten Treasures contest? I don't need them. Maybe I made a remake of Warlock because I liked it in Halo 2? Warlock is one of my least favourite maps.

    So why did I make the map in the first place?

    Got bored.

    Now that i've learned the basics of forging I can make my own original map. Oh sure, it will take ages because i'm making the floor by scratch with interlocks, and i'm going to have to place objects multiple times so that there are no bumps that affect gameplay, and inevitably after all that work my presentation of the map is going to suck. But i'll be able to look back and say "I made that", and be proud. Maybe even happy.

    Question to all the older forum users:

    How often to all these bitchy "I'm going to quit forge", "This is pointless", "Woe is me" threads pop up? Or is this just a new trend. If you want to stop forging then go right ahead. But take your pity party somewhere else. Why forge, you ask? Why do anything at all. There is no greater pursuit than the ease of boredom.

    Edit: Or the pursuit of meaning.
    #29 Transhuman Plus, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  10. FUFHA

    FUFHA Ancient
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    i forge because its fun. its as simple as that.
    half of my maps arent that great, but i enjoy making them.

    i only have 1 map actually posted on here, but so many that i have made.
  11. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Saying Forging is useless is like saying gaming is useless, all it is is playing with the gravel on the road of life. You find yourself bored of the same old, same old, so you try something different. You don't like it? Keep walking down the road. Enjoyed what you did? Keep doing what you were doing.

    Obviously, not everyone's map will be noticed. Colored names or contest winners are irrelevant. I posted my Conquest map, came second in a past Forge Off, and got two comments that I considered actually helpful. Does that mean I stop Forging all together? No. I enjoyed making it, I enjoyed playing it.

    BTW, saying Forge is useless on a Forging website, you're not going to find many people who agree with you.
  12. Cryoraptor

    Cryoraptor Ancient
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    I start many maps because they seem like a great idea at the time and many of us would fantasize about how awesome it would be. We should just simply set our goals to realistic standerds. I was making a map and was going to use a cool set up that would take days to do. But I took the shortcut for something simpler, for what it really was worth, for the actual attention it would recieve. Yet, my clan member keeps saying you should so do that! I don't because I'd spend more time making the map then enjoying it. So take your ambitious desings down a notch to something a little more "down to earth". Build your castles on the ground not in the sky and your sky scrappers from the ground up. Consider what you will do and how long it will take. Any decent map can be boring if you don't work at it. Get a friend to back you up. I've made a map that I was sure would be totally awesome but when I played it with others it was too much for the xbox 360 to handle and it lagged. But it LOOKED good. But I still put it aside to find out how I can make it a little less godly and more in the margins of other players and my consoles computing ability. We are all on a slippery slope at some point in map making. JUST FINISH THE GD MAP! WHO CARES IF ITS NOT PERFECT! GET FEED BACK IMPROVE ON YOUR WEAKNESSES! THEN IMPROVE THE MAP! Don't stuggle with every little detail, experiment with things. If your friends can't love you for trying and hate you for what they see, not letting you fix it then you need new friends. We are all profoundly impacted by others opinions. I made a 15minute map that I play over and over with different people (which i will post in the testers guild but u can sample it if you want, just ask) that most of them loved and i got few complaints. Its original and cool and replays differently each time. I've made another that has taken longer that less people loved and another that I've spent hours on that hardly anyone loved and most people hated. Think about what the crowd likes and hates and paint a picture around their desires, not your own self-centered features. I've made infection maps that feature "limited camping" where you can only camp for a short time b4 the spot is destroyed or overrun because I know most players HATE campers on infection. So I thought "why not make both sides happy". I love to focus on what everyone else might like or whine about. I know some people will often choose the spots that seem the best which is usually the end of the map or the beginning when hiding from zombies. I dont' want things to go to waste so I've set up a map I'm working on so that if you don't cover ground youl'' get cornered and wind up dead. If you need advice on making your map fun to all rather then say WTF am I doing and give up ask me for help I'll come to your game and fix your problems. All I ask is that i get credit for my maps. Have maps you don't want anymore? I've got an idea on that note. Head over to customer service and suggest a "recycle bin" a place to put your maps so that they will live on in others files rather then dissappear with time. It is human nature to want to preserve their creations and protect their legacy.

  13. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
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    You. Need. PARAGRAPHS.

    As for those of you who say to do it just for fun, thats the very thing - Forge isn't a model kit. A lot of us don't do it "just to do it" - we do it with the express intent of our work being used. You don't build a model expecting it to come to life and do something - you build that for fun and to admire. For Forge, its the reverse - you build a map to be used, not admired and thought happy thoughts about. Why build a functioning map if its just going to be looked at? (If that even?)

    I don't make maps to be "pretty" - I make maps to be played.
  14. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    The point is that it is frustrating to get 5 downloads on a map that you spent plenty of time on. Yes, it was fun to make, and it was fun to test. But honestly, would you forge this much were it not for forgehub or other forging sites? But you could still have the same amount of fun in forge without forgehub.

    We aren't crying that we want "internet fame". Whoever said that sounds ridiculous. We just like those comments complimenting your map. When someone tells you you are a good forger and that they love the map. That is what we want.
  15. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Happens about once every week. You get used to it and start laughing at people.
  16. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Wow, I let this thread slide!

    Actually, Manifest hit it off big before I was a color, or anyone for that matter. It wasn't until after it was featured (or slightly before) I joined the colored ranks, and even after that I was one of the more unpopular colored members.

    The thing is, I have to lay it down thick or people think I am only being funny. Trust me when I say that it's a tragedy to see people chuckle at my comments when I am just trying to be a douche. The thing is though, I don't ride a horse, I ride an elephant because I'm that ****ing cool. I can take it on public roads, because who's going to protest someone riding an elephant? Exactly.
    For the record, bologna is reprocessed bullshit like your little speil there. I hate bologna.

    Seriously people, everyone starts off small. Few are born into the lime light, meaning that most that are there worked their way to that point. I was a nobody, and now I'm a somebody. I made it, so can anyone else. Sitting around and mulling in your own inability to succeed won't bring you success. It's the equivelant of living on a bench in downtown Los Angeles, getting pocket change from sympathetic passerby. You aren't earning ****, and will continue to earn nothing unless you actually do something about it.

    Before anyone implies; damn right I think I'm amazing, because if I didn't, how could I admire myself in the mirror for so damn long?
    #36 X5, Jul 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  17. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Yeah, there is a thing called practice. And everytime I forge I get better. Those chances of making you're map and getting noticed are slim, but there is a higher chance if you go on FH and post it. Utah Mambo went huge and it started here. Forging isn't even about popularity, or cleanliness. It's about making your own map, giving you a new Halo experience everytime you play.

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