Completely Unprecedented Xbox 360 Problem

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EpicFishFingers, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Yep, it's my friend's core console.

    It didn't get the red lights, instead it got a problem with the AV input. The only image displayed was some white, curved, broken up lines that move diagonally down the screen. We still get audio so we can tell that the dashboard and game work fine. (his console is Pre-NXE, it broke 8 months ago but he has only just got around to fixing it)

    However, xbox customer support have stated that they will not repair this problem for us (over the phone they stated that the warranty didn't cover it or something). I am phoning them right now to try and get an answer, however I am without the serial number.

    But my friend has already opened up the xbox and attempted to repair it with help from his dad who seems to know a lot about motherboards and electronics. His dad, after opening it, found several components with the words "repaired" and "fixed" written on them in permanent marker pen. But this is a surprise as my friend bought the console on December 18th 2005, less than one month after the xboxes were released in the UK.

    Okay, I just got off the phone to xbox support. As the warranty had ran out, they would have charged him £68 for the specific repair (had it been the RRoD it would have been free). But as he has tampered with the console, they will not fix it.

    Any ideas? As the xbox support website, the representatives at the xbox call centres and all my friends who I have asked about it have never heard of this problem before. I'm kind of hoping for some suggestions for fixing it now, as he has royally ****ed himself by opening it up (they might have been able to fix it).

    It's worth repeating that NO FLASHING LIGHTS APPEAR ON THE CONSOLE FACE NOW. They have done in the past, but only when the disc tray gets stuck because of the weakened motor that powers it (he thought it'd be funny to open the tray while holding it shut with his hand >.>), or when he first turns it on he gets the RRoD (but no error code, and a simple reset fixed it every time).
    Neither of these problems occur anymore. The tray no longer gets stuck and the xbox never red-rings. We knew the console was on the way out, but we didn't expect this...
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    You better hope they didnt comment on their system that the serial code for the xbox has been tampered, just ring again and make sure the warrenty dont look tampered, you should use a hairdryer to peel it off :p
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    There are people locally and on ebay who know about this stuff and will fix it for a price.
  4. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    That can't be legal.

    But he might just sell it as parts, he never plays it.
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Oh its legal, u can mod any **** u own, its just if u break any terms like xbl agreement its illegal, but ur fixing so i wouldnt think it broke any terms
  6. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Actually, that's illegal. I was reading the manual for a game the other day, and in the Terms and Conditions, it actually says "You don't own this game, you own a version of the initial program. Blah blah blah, you cannot modify and/or change any of the files on this disc"

    So technically, you can't modify EVERYTHING you own.
  7. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Meh. It's fairly cheap, and there are people who get it fixed by those kind of people all the time, to save time and $$$and also to mod your console(lights, see through, ect.) Is it legal though? Most likely... not. Depends if you wanna get your console fixed or not.
    #7 Rifte, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    yeah, if it is illegal it's probably not that illegal.

    He's also considering buying a dead xbox off eBay for about £30 and trying to fix it. Should he do it?
  9. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    It's worth a try, I was considering the same thing when I was looking for a 360, but I wouldn't trust ebay. The seller might have removed or have broken a critical component, so it can't be fixed.
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    You could contact Ebay about it or whatever, and get your money back if it doesn't work or something. I would by off someone trustworthy, with high rank and positive percentage, because those kinds of people usually freak out when someone gives them a bad review, so most of the stuff they sell should be legit.
  11. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    You don't own the game. That's not modifying something you own. That's modifiying someone else's intellectual property.
  12. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    There's loads of places that'll repair a ****ed console for as little as £15 ... just go to one of those. Its no biggie.
  13. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Um, if he never played his Xbox in the first place, and he didn't care enough to get it fixed for 8 months, why bother? He obviously doesn't really need it fixed.

    But, to answer your question, if those Xbox guys have told you that they will not fix it, trust me, they will not fix it. They never change their minds. I tried negotiating with them when my Xbox broke, and they didn't even think about it. You're just gonna have to either get it repaired like Textured Sun said, or buy an Arcade Console for cheap and save all of your old accessories. (AV cables, Hard Drive, Power, controllers.)
  14. FUFHA

    FUFHA Ancient
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    since microsoft wont repair it because you opened it,
    i would buy a new xbox and sell the old one as spair parts on ebay.
  15. natu

    natu Ancient
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    It's cheap, try asking friends if the know someone who could maybe fix it. That's how ma brother got our xbox workin. Usually if your friends like hey can you do me a favour it'll get done for free. Unless the guy fixin you're Xbox is a jerk of :D
  16. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    That won't work because his Dad has a Bachelor's degree in electronic engineering (a BEng). He's the best guy for it and he doesn't know what the exact problem is. He also knows from the structure and layout of the motherboard that if he fixed it it would just break again (which is exactly what happened).

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