My ticket to greatness

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dow, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Alright, so many of you already know me, but you dont REALLY know me. My name is Stewart Wilson, I am 14 years old, and I live in Orlando, Florida. I currently live with my grandmother, who is letting me and my mother stay with her, because my mom has fibromayalgia and the little jobs she can do, are hard to find. In other words, my future doesn't look to swell unless I do something for myself. Everyone tells me "Stay in school and make good grades" but as a 14 year old, I am living in the now.

    Ever since I moved to Orlando last year in August, I completely secluded myself from a social lifestyle. I had previously been living in Fort Walton Beach, Florida where I had all the friends a person could want, and used to go do all sorts of things. Now, for the past year, I spend most of my time in my room on the computer or on the xbox (no I am not fat >.>), blasting music loud enough to piss off my mom. Needless to say I am tired of this lifestyle. I am going to be a Sophomore next year and I don't want to waste the entire year like I did my freshman year

    So, my fellow forgehubbers, why make this thread you ask? It's simple, I want to know what I, a 14 year old boy, could to to be known for something. If I were to die, right now, I would probably only be remembered by my parents, and a few good friends. I want to change that, but how?

    #1 Dow, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Go on Google Maps. Type in your address. Zoom into your house, and look all around you.

    There are a lot of people on this Earth, and making a name for yourself takes some perseverance. Now ask yourself, how well known would you like to be? That's your first step.
  3. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Perservearance toward what?
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Towards greatness, of course! It takes work. You're not just simply handed a future. Unless you're born into it...
  5. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    You're not helping >.>
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    They're suggestions, my friend, suggestions.

    Here's where you start off: community. Get to know people and be active in clubs or groups. Every good politician dipped into charity work every now and then. Great start right there.

    Make new friends at school. You don't have to start off trying for 1000, just a few at a time. It's an exponential process.
  7. Darkastic

    Darkastic Ancient
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    I'm sure there's a boys n girls club somewhere there. Go join that. If not, make as many friends as you can in school. They may not account for much, but they build you confidence which is what we all need later in life. Trust me, I know. I am 23, going on 24 now, and I have finally built my foundation of a social experience. I wasn't too popular in school but I made up for it already. It isn't easy growing up but after highschool everything comes together, trust me.
  8. The God of Grunge


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    The question isn't how, but why? What exactly are you going to gain anyway when you can't see past tomorrow to start with. Desicions are important ****, kid.
  9. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    A good thing that got me more friends was to get a girl, become with friends with here friends and bam. Like 10 more friends, easy. And just be a likeable guy, don't blow people off, listen to them, act like you care to be speaking with them, hang out with people that won't get themselves or you in trouble. But just don't change entriely for popularity or reputation.
  10. The God of Grunge


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    The key to being "popular" is not to act like you care, but to actually care.

    Nobody likes douchenozzles.
  11. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Just go to school, and have an outgoing, and overall good energy. I know this sounds really cheesy but think about the best in life. Everytime I'd have issues and had like the worst days I'd just relax and take a breath. Then I'd just completley forget it and start over again. If nothings actually working out for you like Darktastic said go to a boys and girls club it would really help the situation you're in right now.
  12. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    go to parties

    be fun



    talk to people

    be nice

    have something to offer

    these are all wonderful suggestions. Being "popular" is really not as hard as everyone makes it seem.
  13. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
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    You don't need to be known and most likely you will never be known. Being okay with the fact that the world will probably never know your name is the best thing you can do. The people who love you will always remember you though. And don't kill yourself.
  14. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    popularity is just something that makes it easier to always have something to do.

    it's nice i guess
  15. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Don't be shy man.
    I use to be very anti-social.
    You see, I can describe this to you in a few ways.

    Popularity Route
    Popularity is like matchmaking in a video game. You only rank up once your skill gets better.

    A simple way to "rank up" is to find those in a close skill range to you, but who have friends in a semi-higher skill range then them. Once you've become well acquainted with your friends, try sparking relationships with their friends.

    Soon, after repeating this process, you'll be pretty high up in there in "skill".
    Once you've found an area of which you're comfortable with, stick to it.

    Congratulations! You've successfully poked your head out of your shell and brought your body along for the ride!

    Happiness Route
    If you read the route above, you're probably thinking to yourself, "Hmm.. sounds neat."
    But that route isn't for everyone. Many people wind up being unhappy and popular at the same time. That's very uncomfortable.

    What you could do, is try meeting people who share the same interests in you. While searching, try broadening your interests as well by experimenting new things. However, please do not give into hard drugs. You could very well lose your life, or worse, become addicted. I say that's worse because you'll end up blowing all of your money, and you'll hurt the people around you in the process. If you do happen to experiment with drugs, please be careful! Plants only. =)

    After finding a crowd in which you feel comfortable with, spend a lot of time with them outside of school. I say this because school-friendships are nothing compared to an out-of-school friendship. You're not surrounded by a plethora of rules and authority figures, so you can normally have a lot more fun (while still being safe).

    This route doesn't earn you a substantial amount of friends, but in time, you'll meet new people and you'll truly be happy. =)

    Please do not think about committing suicide. It may seem like life is taking a **** on your head at the moment, but there's others out there who have it way worse than you who haven't even had a thought about killing themselves. I went through a phase in life in which I was so severely depressed all I did was sleep and abuse pills. I had so many thoughts of death and the lack of caring you'd be disgusted.

    I wish a better life for you than that.

    Whenever I've had a bad day, I just sit back, turn on some music, and roll a fat joint!
    Enjoy your life man..
  16. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Making something of yourself is something we all do naturally. Well most of us at least. Learn at what makes you tick. Are you good at drawing, writing, or football? If you're good at something draw your potential from that something. Continue to do the thing you're good at and you will succeed. Success is a strong word and you have to be persistent and dedicated to succeed. Know your weaknesses and strengthen them. Be able to criticize yourself and take criticism and most of all BE YOURSELF.
  17. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Thanks guys. I think I might've been a little misunderstood though. I am not really trying to be "popular" because I absolutely hate the school that I am at and only like a select group of people.
  18. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    So what exactly are you trying to do?
  19. Dow

    Dow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Do something that when people see it, they will be like "damn" that mustve taken a lot of effort.
  20. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Go to parties,
    Become a dealer,
    Play a sport (even if its stupid in your opinion),
    talk to chicks, a girlfriend will help,
    Hang with friends and play Xbox at night, it works out fine.

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