It's perfect except for pedobear... He ruins it. great cloud effect on the words. Second line doesn't blend well but w/e. Still... I love the colors and contrast and it's really good. Kudos.
I see that my Pedobear fad is starting to catch on. As for CnC, I think you should change the color of the second line of text, as Terrax said. But I actually think Pedobear adds humor to this piece, which is a good thing.
sorry dude, but haris right, way too contrasted, and the pedo bear ckind of ruins the point of the sig, right? anyways, besides the contrast and pedo bear, it is epic, nice text.
The flower on the ground looks out of place, as Hari said, it is too contrasted, and the pedobear ruins it. Otherwise, I do like the text effect. The sky looks very good, and the stars that you added in look great. Overall, a nice job.
I didn't say anything, except for opinions. And whether or not they think of it, is up to them. I have no relations to this topic.