Okay. This is a simple question for yall. I plan on doing a 24 hr or so xbox experience, and wanted to know if anybody would like to come on in for a bit, or stay with me the entire time. I just need to know to see if it is worth it. If people do do this, I would probably be playing Cod 4/5, Halo 3 (all maps), Battlefield Bad Company, and possibly some others. It will either be going on sometime late in July or in August. Remember stock up on cokes/ mountain dew/ pepsi. We would probably take 15/20 min breaks every hr to 2hr. contact me here or on XBL at GT: Krootalus
Dude, i do that every time i'm on my xbox! Im be glad to play with you... Its always fun to play with other people... Just like mmo's, its no fun playing by yourself... So what is the exact date and time? I think I will mostly be playing Bad Company and COD4 too, and i don't do cokes, Its bad for your baby making fluid, I'll stick with some OJ...
Lol. I still have to figure out when my football practices end. but it will forshure be before August 20th
If you mean what time would I start playing, I would probably say like 11 A.M. to 11 A.M. would be ideal.