Sandbox Platinum

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Phill3593, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    Description-Probably my last and final racetrack, Platinum is a 35 second ride with a lot of unique scenery. It winds and twists throughout the compact crypt of sandbox. It includes a geomerged box start, new pieces of track, boosters, multiple tunnels, and a rolling hill drop down full of speed. It took 23 hours to make, a month in all-and it's probably my best track. In is 100% in the sky, and the reconnection is extremely smooth. The lighting and multiple pieces of scenery add to the erie filling of the track. Since the map is tightly packed, it plays perfect with Battle BR's. Please download and try the track. It is great fun-the sights and the speed the track makes it unique and incredibly fun. Please give feedback. Thanks!














    Thanks for checking out the map, please rate and comment.

  2. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    The map seems beatifully forged, with no flaws at all. But wait. Not only is is very well forged, but the gameplay would be very fun. It would keep you active and entertained, not like most maps that are mainly catwalks and few banked curves at all. Anyways, youre maps deserves no less than a 5/5.
  3. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    I had a go at this track before it was published, it's awesome! It's perfectly smooth and the lighting and aesthetics are cool. The tunnels add to the aesthetics and the structures around the track add to the feel of the track. However, I feel as though you could of had the gloomy FX or something to maximise the feel of the track or did you run out budget? or hit the OLN?
    Anyway, the track is awesome, the aesthetics are great. 9.5/10
  4. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    Exactly what happened Crippled-I hit the OLN. Thanks for the comments guys-I appreciate the long reviews(2-3 sentences) It's better than"Good map, looks smooth".

    By the Way-Remember it's Apocalypse2695 on this account

    KNEE TO FACE Ancient
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    wow this track looks intense! Your efforts really paid off man great job. I will DL and test it out later today. I love the tracks in the crypt because they seem to be so rare
  6. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    this map looks very well thought out and to me is a reminder that you dont have to create racetracks in the skybubble, its good to know that when you fall you still are alive, i would think about some of the shield doors which extend out over the track, wouldn't that make the vehicle jump up and off the track?
  7. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    ummm, no-they stick out just enough so your goose hits them and the bottoms of them dont interfer with any other parts of the track. Thanks again for the comments
  8. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    This track is absolutely sick (<--- apparently a synonym for 'good' now-a-days)! One aspect of the course that really hit me was the way that some of the turns were built. First, the driver is guided along a relatively straight section, then they are required to make a sharp turn that is bordered by a set of shield doors. I know I didn't phrase that in a positive manner. That's cause my English sucks, but trust me; I love it. It's quite unique, too, since I have not seen a similar turn in any other racetrack. The forging is great as well. There were no points along that track that were connected poorly. Most areas were fast and smooth. The only flaw I can think of at the moment is at the turn that is adjacent to the invis. Due to the fact that it boasts a relatively quick turn, the section would have to be banked very deeply in order for the driver to maintain full speed. I do not think it was banked enough, as I often lost speed in that area, and thus, was unable to stay along the middle of the track. Though there were shield doors to assist drivers in part of this section, I feel that it would play out much better if it was simply banked a bit more. I don't know how difficult it would be to do that, nor if you even have enough objects to do so (I noticed you hit the OLN limit), but I'd be very thankful if you did. As for know, I'll give a 9 out of 10. If you fixed up that area, I'm certain I'll change that to a 10 out of 10. Once again, thank you for making this awesome track.
    #8 CyraxZ, Jul 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2009
  9. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    That is exactly how I feel about that turn, it's just that, if I made it too banked-it interfers with the part above. But I really appreciate the long review
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    What a fantastic track. I am amazed by you guys that can make such great tracks in the crypt. This map is really smooth, and is so fun to race on. I think it would be better without most of those shield doors, though. None of the turns are really that hard, it would make them more skill based, and you would free some items up. Just a thought. I'm sad to see you go, but at least you are leaving us with a masterpiece.
  11. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    Exactly what I think shaddo but I figured some people would think it's too hard-and also, I didn't really need any other objects on the track, so I thought I might as well keep them. The only turn that they are absolutely necasary on is after the destination on the downhill straighaway. But thanks for the comments guys
  12. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    Well you won't need to bank it THAT much (0_0)! I mean, I can still get past that part no sweat; it's just that it'd probably be more intense if it was a banked a bit more. Nevertheless, I suppose it doesn't matter that much. A few more shield doors in that area would fix this up for sure, though I'm pretty sure you ran out of those, too. )=
    #12 CyraxZ, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  13. MlgObiWan

    MlgObiWan Ancient
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    This map is one of the best racetracks I've seen. I can tell that you really took care to design it in a unique yet exhilirating fashion. Good job man!
  14. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Nice limit management. I noticed that you used the budget glitch and also that you hit the OLN limit perfectly. Nothing needs to (or can) be added and nothing needs to be taken away. Flawless interlocking and really nice use of aesthetics. I love the geomerged start because it allows for a quick crouch jump back to the mongooses if you fall. Superb job! 5/5
  15. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Okay, I'm going to download this before reviewing it. I can never review a track based on pictures.


    Okay back.

    From what I played, I could tell that it's not really that good for battle tracks. It's okay for battle snipers, but that's the only viable variant.
    Also, I don't really like the start. Me and my friends all hadn't played it before and half of us drove straight ahead and off the track.

    But the track itself is really smooth and the layout is really fun.

    So it's good, but only for regular racing.
    #15 EpicFishFingers, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  16. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    Well, i had to make the start at an angle. And I have an indicator pointing to the left-not much else i can do . . . And what about battle br's? I tried 2 playtests and they bothed worked very well. Isn't Quasar one of the best battle tracks on foundry for battke BR's? And this track is very similar in it's compact ways and its tight twists and turns. I mean, i can take criticism, but i really think i couldn't have done a better job of planning my design and lines of sight-especially in the crypt. Don't mean to be rude or brag, but I just don't really see how the design doesn't play well. Sorry
  17. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    Perhaps turning the spawn box a bit to the left would help. Hopefully that will provide an indication that players are supposed to drive in that direction. I mean, it's pretty unlikely that players will understand the purpose of a receiver arrow the instant that they see it. Most players will simply ignore it and drive in the relative direction that the box is pointing (which happens to be forwards).
  18. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    I see your point-It's just that I geomerged the two double boxes to make the connection perfectly smooth so it would have been a bit tougher to make that way but I get what you mean

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