Sandbox Twisted Highway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by aundre skribble, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. aundre skribble

    aundre skribble Ancient
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    #1 aundre skribble, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  2. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    This looks pretty cool and original, but i will have to dl and test it out. Also you should put the prefix conquest infront of your map name. You can do this by editing your post and going advanced, I think but not entirely sure. It also looks like a sniper would dominate the match. Otherwise looks great keep forging
    #2 TFx KiLl3r, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  3. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
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    out of all the conquest maps ive seen this is by far, not the most aesthetic or smooth, but most original. i like the idea of a gap in the middle that adds to the challenge of the map. however itd be nice if there was a little more cover and also i think a warthog in a conquest map would sorta be overpowering especialy on this type of open map and its in a straight line....i owuld suggest taking that out.
  4. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    Very nice and original map. It seems well forged, and thanks to the video, its seems fun to play on. In my opinion, i dont consider nor the sniper or da warthog overpowering. The only thing that i didnt like much is that there are 2 territoriesone next to the other at each base (wich garantee 2 easy points). If id be you id put one of these territories down the slope where it would be harder to capture.

    But other than that 5/5.

    Edit: After a close look at the map, i realized i'd be hell fun with Capture the Flag and King of the Hill.
    #4 jorgecb565, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  5. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Yes, this is a very, very unique conquest map.
    It looks like it would play well.
    I would take out the barriers and add in some interlocked item for cover.
    Also I would add some aesthetics since you have a lot of money left and it is conquest.
  6. Fruitbat7

    Fruitbat7 Ancient
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    looks good. the only thing i could suggest is taking out the warthog and maybe adding some catwalks or something like that beneath the map to make it more interesting and give a different route to the enemy base
  7. Fillmore Roy

    Fillmore Roy Ancient
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    Wow, I've never seen any kind of bridge map. On top of that, I've never seen a bridge map with an accompanying Conquest gametype. Gratz to you on the grounds of originality. I do like the Warthogs added in. They add movable cover and a little extra firepower, but should be set to have a long respawn time, something like 90 seconds. Guasshogs would be very overpowered since one direct hit is enough to kill.

    Speaking of weapons, add an overview of a team's start point, as well as a weapon list. There also should be an explanation of the gametype, and a description of the map, but these are optional. I do understand that the middle areas of the bridge have the most action, but the starting areas determine if a team can retreat and hold a defensive position until they can make a push forward. I also agree with TKS x MoNsTeR x, add some aesthetic touches if you still have Budget left and haven't hit the item limit yet.

    Based on the video, there is very little cover. The barricades are fine and would slow down any quickly-advancing Warthogs, but take TKS x MoNsTeR x's suggestion and interlock some items for more cover. For a little extra fun, try adding in some kind of small jump for the 'Hogs near the gap. Maybe make it spawn 2 minutes into the game so teams can really make use of their 'Hog in a sticky situation. (pun intended)

    Overall, this does look good, even though the actual smoothness may seem a little on the down side compared to other maps. But you did have to spread out the items to make the bridge as long as it is, so I'm okay with it. I'll give it a DL for giggles, even though none of my friends play Halo 3 anymore.
    #7 Fillmore Roy, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  8. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    This actually looks really neat, it reminds me of the beginning of the New Mombossa level in Halo 2 when you're crossing the bridge in tanks.
  9. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    Looks really good, pretty clean, and very original. One fault i see is how once each team goes over the first big hill on their side they are instantly out in the open and for snipers that means easy targets and for people using br's its just annoying. So maybe putting some floating pieces of cover above territory one might help. Good map.

  10. Hyp3roptic

    Hyp3roptic Ancient
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    This map looks brilliant, i watched the vid and it looks quite difficult to defend your base and attack the other teams. The fusion coils are very handy when your outnumbered and i love the gap in the middle it adds an extra chalenge when attacking, may slow down full team advances.

    I'm going to dl this when i have more room.
  11. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Well it definitely won't play like a standard Conquest map, as we can see from the long range battles in the video. But I really like the fresh originality here! You probably know what the map is lacking Conquest-wise, but i'll still point em out. First off, the lines of sight need to be blocked for each territory. I understand that you probably ignored that rule on purpose though. I think its good to see new styles of Conquest maps, but i bet you could turn this one into a pretty great standard Conquest map as well. You could leave your bridge the way it is, but block lines of sight by putting more arches. That way, fire will be blocked from those shooting from higher or lower elevation. And you could use the Warthogs and other vehicles to take care or same-elevation territories... Anyway, love it. Always glad to help with Conquest maps if you decide to make changes!
  12. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Pretty nice, original idea, and very well forged. Im not sure how well vehicles are on conquest since i have never tried it but i will have to download this and try it out.
  13. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    You can't drive vehicles in Conquest. Most people just put them in Conquest maps for aesthetic purposes.
  14. aundre skribble

    aundre skribble Ancient
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    I updated the description of the video because everyone doesn't understand that the warthogs are for cover NOT TO DRIVE. YOU CAN NOT ACCESS THE WARTHOGS PEOPLE.
  15. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    The map looks really sweet. Why are people so hung up on those warthogs? You can't operate vehicles in Conquest anyways. Awsome map! Question though.... Why is this map tagged "Gunnergrunt"?
    #15 TheClubhouse, Jul 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  16. omgmlg

    omgmlg Ancient
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    I really love this, it was great fun to play and was very comeptitive and proved a good conquest map, well done 4.6/5
  17. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    There are a few simple things that could be fixed here, and I'm not speaking for the conquest gametype. There are many small problems holding this map back from all it can really be.

    One of the simplest things is placing a weapon holder on the warthogs. Drivable warthogs on this map are terrible, simply put. The sniper spawn. Move it more forward so you can get killed before you pick it up. Its already devastating on this map and making it close to spawn doesn't help that factor.

    The biggest problem is the symmetry. Blue side (excluding columns) is 34 and a half grid squares long, and the spawn area is curved, as opposed to red side which is 38 and a half grid squares long and has a flat spawn. Easy fix = add more blocks to equal 38 and a half squares on blue side. The fusion coil on blue side next to the middle needs to be closer and laying down so its symmetrical with red side's. Also, make the warthogs PERFECTLY symmetrical. I can't stress that enough, the way how warthogs are powerful on this map already.

    A big issue I faced were warthogs getting across the middle of the map. If there's no interference (such as an enemy shooting) you can easily cross the center. I'm not sure if you intended that, I'm just bringing it out. Also, you could interlock the ends of scaffoldings to make it look like snapped metal which held the bridge together, because columns look really bad. The barricade on top of the hill on red side (along with the nades and coil) need to be moved forward to make it symmetrical with blue sides. Make ALL the weapons symmetrical. I can't stress that enough. There's far too many weapons not placed symmetrically on both sides. Replace the 2nd BR on each side with two spikers, so that makes four spikers in total. Long range weapons are devastating on this map.

    To sum it up: Fix sniper spawn, make EVERYTHING symmetrical, fix the center of the map, and change the length of blue side to make it equal to red's.

    As for future suggestions, I would suggest a small floor under the actual highway which can be used for minor flanking, and that floor should also be cut in the middle of the map. I think the best thing you could do in a future version (excluding the fixes I told you) is to make the actual highway much longer. You've got 463$ and tons of walls to work with. Put them to good use. Add a small sniper perch on each of the towers/gates (whatever you want to call them).

    If you fix the map how I suggested, it will definitely be much better. I'd suggest releasing a 1.1 with those fixes. I'm looking forward to it if you do one, I highly suggest it.

    I know I didn't list the things I liked, so I'll do that briefly. The entire map idea and construction is very original and good, and brings back memories of a classic FC2 map I always used to play. I love the feel of a highway, even though barricades aren't sitting randomly on normal highways, and that highways don't have hills this massive and sudden :p

    Overall though, its a good map, and with those improvements I'd be more than willing to give it a nomination for Forge Hub Favorites!
  18. ShibbyLib

    ShibbyLib Ancient
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    This has to be the epitome of a linear map, but in a good way. I like the verticallity that the map provides, though corkscrews would have been even crazier; sort of like a distortion for the conquest lovers. Also, seems to be one of the best playing maps for conquest I have ever touched and for that congrats... 5/5
  19. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    i'm very impressed i expected this to be very dull and lackfull of fun, i tested the map with people and they absolutely loved it we had tons of fun. I did have one suggestionn could you put a secured pallet or wall in the gap to allow flow of vehicles and mongooses for better action. great map. 5/5
  20. aundre skribble

    aundre skribble Ancient
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    Why does no one get it that the gametype makes it so you can't drive the vehicles? Instead everyone freaks out saying "OMG there is no vehicles allowed in conquest the map fails" and things like that.

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