Hey, I was playing a few matches on Bungie vs World, at five in the morning, which is when it started here on the East Coast, w00t w00t, and the first match we played, I was like "Hey I saw this on ForgeHub!", Next map, same deal. I knew that Bungie would be getting maps to use, but I didn't know if they would be their's, or the communities. I guess Urk has been lUrking around the server, and using our maps for a full day slaughterfest. If you played a map clearly from our lustrous site, post it's name and maker, and link it if possible, to help out if other people want to play those maps Code: Apex Gauntlet [URL="http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/67797-tribal-war.html"]Tribal War - SoulCrusher NP[/URL] [URL="http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/67514-conduction.html"]Conduction - chrstphrbrnn[/URL] Colonnade - Kapura Ravinia - GD 27 Shockwave & AZN FTW [URL="http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mlg-maps/48246-regicide.html"]Regicide - Fritzter[/URL] Stonehenge That's all I can think of, and get right, but I'll expand the list once we get more maps here Thanks
dude not to be offensive but this thread is kinda pointless, all the maps in the playlist today were rubbish and i dont even want to hear their names again, there are exceptions of course like conduction and others.
how is it pointless? he is trying to get people to post maps that were played to advertise them here on forgehub. perhaps some people thought they were good, you never know.
Why would you say they are rubbish,some people take pride in there work. And for there record,I think the maps that bungie picked are fine.
ugh, colonnade. its a good map and all, but ive played it way tooo much. 3 times in a row at one point.
No way, man. I HATE that map. The spawns are absolutely ridiculous. I frequently spawned directly behind the guy who had just taken my flag and assassinated him. It's nigh impossible to cap the flag in that game, even when you're playing against 3-year-olds, because they spawn right in front of you after you kill them. Plus, the outer geometry is basically thin ledges that you either fall off of or get BR'd off of. That map is retarded, and the only thing I like about it is the curved double box tunnel in front of each flag, and only because it looks cool, not because it actually does anything useful. HATE. *ends rant.*
Completely agree with this guy, except I think the tunnel in each base is stupid. I suppose this maps only saving grace, to some people, I dislike. :|
I guess I over reacted but was it just me or did the same maps just keep on coming like colonnade and apex. It just annoys me so much that i ended up quitting games not to find bungie staff but coz i didnt want to play the map again. My fav map was regicide check out this clip. Sorry for saying this thred was pointless =)
Stonehenge Requiem and, er... God I hated Stonehenge. It just seemed like a bunch of stuff just cluttered together, and the line of sight system was back-breaking. There's a list of the maps in the last Bungie update.
Thanks guys. This thread is meant to forum-legally advertise maps, not to debate about how well the map is. If you want to comment on how bad or good these maps are, and are contributing nothing, please go to the original thread. I'm only trying to help here. Thanks