Map Title: Complex Very accurate version of Complex. It features the familiar tight corridors that lead into massive battle rooms, which are multi-leveled. This map is about 95-98% accurate. It is also modeled after the Perfect Dark version(the superior one). There is not much different between the two. Only the back room has an extra third level, nothing is missing from the Golden Eye map. If Aesthetics are your thing, stop reading and look elsewhere. This is a N64 remake and the type of aesthetics your going to judge this on didn't exist on this game. There are aesthetics (rather primative) from the N64 and my budget was spent mimicing them. I purposely did not make anything new, because doing so would have ruined the accuracy of the map by changing sight lines. However, if you want a compeditive map that has all the sight lines made by the professionals at Rare, then this is your map. It plays like it was meant for Halo! DOWNLOAD COMPLEX HERE! Map is Interlocked! Description: This is an asymmetrical map designed for hardcore, brutal gameplay. It is almost completely faithful to the classic Golden Eye/Perfect Dark Map. Though most gametypes are supported, this is perfect for slayer and king of the hill. Every room is accounted for(including the infamous Air Duct), as well as the various cover and lines of sight. This has always been my favorite map from that game, so extra care went into designing it. The scale is almost spot on, and the sheer size will welcome bigger teams. The map was never pretty, it was basically a bunch of squares and rectangles (Nintendo 64 remember). But ask anyone who played this game and most will tell you that this was the best map. Please enjoy!!! Team Size: 4-8 players. Maybe more. 3 or less can be a bit too small of a party. You should start with default weapons: Assault Rifle and the Magnum. I wish I had the budget for these, because they should be in here. However, you guys can leave them around with your dead instead. Gametypes: Rumble Pit, Team Slayer, Odd Ball, King of the Hill, and Assault. Power Weapons: Beam Rifle (1) - Shotgun (1 w/small clip). Normal Weapons: Plasma Pistol (1) - SMG (2) - Brute Shot (1) - Brute Spiker (2) - Needler (1) - Battle Rifle (2) - Covenant Carbine (2) Power-Ups and Equipment: Invisibility Orb (1) - Overshield (1) - Trip Mine (1) The walls are very high to keep players from breaking out of the map. Due to the primative textures used in the original game (five rectangles per texture) I was able to mathmaticly scale the map, room for room, using the grid. The crypt proved to be perfect with just a bit of extra space to spare This is the back room. Notice the upper area, it was the new addition on the perfect dark version of this map. Otherwise it is the exact same map from Golden Eye. The Sniper spawns up here. If you back up against the walls, you are safe from enemy fire down below. Well, as long as they don't jump to shoot, or climb up there after you. These two pieces of cover are in the back room. Both are in there exact location as they were back in the day. One is by the entry point to this room. The other is under the catwalk for easy access if you get in trouble up there. Also notice the awning(the double blocks that hang over) These where N64 aesthetics authentically made and in scale. Ghetto as they maybe, this remake is full of aesthetics like these. So if you think the map is a little plain, take this into account as this remake was made from the heart and not the download record breaking brain! This is the three storied room that was one of the hot spots. If you remember the lower area, it was a basement to the rest of the map. It’s impossible to recreate the basement, so I had to be creative and figure a way to do this without breaking the original map design. Let’s just say you will not notice the difference. Also, some may remember orange netting on the top floor. This was removed for two reasons: 1) to save budge and 2) because you could shoot through the surface anyway. Some think that Call of Duty 4 invented bullets that could shoot through cover. Well, Perfect Dark did. It was only refined in CoD 4 about a Decade Later. This game was truely ahead of it's time. The original cover has returned and is perfect for setting up an ambush on anyone who enters the room. This is another view from this piece of cover. A lot of extra attention to detail went into this map to maintain the original lines of sight. Here are the catwalks. Notice the cover on the floor. It almost shields the Air Ducts. There is also a little hide away behind the Spartan like in most of the rooms, though I couldn't fit them in the pictures. The infamous crawlspace or the air ducts. This will take you from the catwalk area to the main room. You will not be on radar when in here. Both exits have cover near by. This is the Main Room It has a total of six entry/exits and the planks also act as cover, plus there is a hide away underneath one of the entries. This is a room where a lot of people will die. It is a short cut to every room in the map, and a good player will try to find a place to post up and pick people off who enter. You may notice that the room is open for the most part. This is exactly how it was originally. I think it was designed this way to keep players moving. This is a massive hallway. As you can see, there is a hole in the upper floor or this room. This hole leads to the Tower. It is perfect for peppering a sniper in there with 'nades or gunfire before an assault. There are four entry/exits to this Hallway area. This is the tower. It is a perfect place to snipe, but you will have to look elsewhere for that weapon. This room overlooks the main room, as well as a side tower via wall slits. It also has only one entry point(not including the hole in the floor, which is only an exit). If you get in trouble you'll find there is not much cover. The cover that is in here benefits the attacker. So you must either go through your enemy, or fall though the hole in the floor. If you’re lucky, an overshield may still be down there to help you turn the tables against your attacker. To balance the no cover factor, you'll see someone coming a mile away on your radar, as they have to make a few turns to get to you. This will enable you to steal the cover meant for the attacker. But be aware though, he will have more downstairs. However, if you're in a scope mode, owning newbs, you'll get own for not checking your radar. This is the room with the pillars. It has one large hide away and one small. It also houses the shotgun, so if you don’t know where this weapon is you should stay away from here. This room has been modified a little. Since you can jump in halo, there was no need for the full-3 wall ramp set up to get you to the second level. One bridge piece with a small ramp will do nicely. I also added an escape route that you can drop into, which leads to the invisibility orb. Thank you. I hope you enjoy your new map. DOWNLOAD COMPLEX HERE!
looks interesting, i like the multiple levels of the map allowing for different battles. the maps pretty big too. it just looks a little too plain though. overall i like it. also i didnt really see any weapons.
This seems like an awesome remake, considering I haven't played Golden Eye in a few years at least, it's amazing that I was able to recognize some of the areas that you remade. I'll download it soon and give it a try.
Not a bad map. I think that it seems like there isn't enough cover...but that is just from the pictures so its probably entirely wrong. I have one issue with the weapons though. The fact that you have 1 br could be troublesome. It is ok to have a couple in a map or none at all but i think that people would fight heavily over the br though because of its popularity and its uses. Also, you have 1 spiker. Being a dual weildable weapon i personally would find it annoying to only be able to pick up 1. I see you mentioned something about budget problems so maybe just delete the spiker as a whole to make room for another br or vice versa. Just my opinion and i haven't played the map but those are my suggestions.
There are two BR's and two Carbines as well as two spikers. The numbers after the weapons represent thier count and not the ones before them. Instead of one spiker, it's really one brute shot, as well as one needler as opposed to one BR. I've spaced the description better to avoid further confusion. The cover that is in the map is what was in the original. Which is plenty, believe me. Campers will LOVE THIS MAP. It is my opinion that line of sight is the best form of cover available to a designer. Which is why I like maps like this and other Halo maps such as Ascension. You'll find that the sight lines are very accurate to the original map.
Thanks for the complements. I would like to know if anyone felt like the shotgun was too powerful. I know it can be an issue if your playing with a small party of 2 or 3 people. But how about with 4 or more, which is how this map was meant to be played. Thanks.
to all those who posted comments on this guys map, this map is a fantastic map. I agree with the guy who said that his post was very detailed because not many post go into that much detail. I never played golden eye or dark but this map on Halo is sexy. Moreover, to answer the question about the shotty, heck no is the shotty too powerful. I can't believe you asked that. Great Map already played it a ton and its seamless! 4.9/5
"Without even reading the description I knew this was a Perfect Dark remake. I LOVED GOLDEN EYE AND PERFECT DARK and complex was my favorite map. I wish I thought of this to make for myself. Ok back to the map. Interlocked well, merged well and overall very specific feel to the complex map. Very nice overall. 5/5." says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre
Damn, i can't believe you had enough stuff to make all of that! It seriously looks like you have 3 stories and you take up every square foot of the crypt.. Good job thouhgh, this is well executed and it's neatly made. Like said before, you could have some more aesthetics but there most likely wasn't enough supplies to do so
Thanks for all of the complements. As far as aesthetics are concerned, I wanted a remake of a 64 game. And on the 64, aesthetics were not really a feature. Look at the fourth picture down. Do you see the Double Blocks Hanging over the level. You cannot walk on top of those. They are there for decoration. Those were the awning, and the way the ceiling looked in that particular room on the original Golden Eye/Perfect Dark N64 level. So yeah, I could of not done that and added some cool aesthetics. But I opted for authenticity, so those will have to be my N64 style aesthetics.
Better than the first remake posted. You did everything perfactly. You took Complex from Goldeneye and Perfact Dark(only played Perfact Dark once) and balanced it great for Halo 3. I felt right at home while playing this. If only you could put the golden gun on this map, lol. 6/5, deserves a feature
I was wondering if this was a glitched map. I just can't believe you got all this stuff in here. Also, was wondering if you'd ever like to play custom games. I'm a huge fan of Golden Eye, and since this is a larger map it would be nice to play it with more than a couple of people. By the way. Don't change the shotgun spawn. Sure it's powerful, but with so many areas to be in it would be easy to avoid. Also, the main areas are open enough, that anyone who has the weapon would not have the advantage in them. The fact that there is not a bubble shield on the map, I think sells the shotty on this point. Message me back. I enjoyed play testing your last map District, and would like to play some custom games soon.
Bridge I like what you did with the bridge pieces in interlocking them with the double boxes; great map too, Im 99% sure ive dl it before and I remember playing a custom on it with some friends. You sugested that i employ a similar strategy in creating the circular path around the edge of my map, but that is only when the bridge is parallel to the grpund; Do you have any tips to make it at an angle and so there is no bump with between the wood bridge and the double box, because on mine it always tends to stick out. Kind of like the elbow on lockout or blockout; the bridge pieces are angled; Thanks, and great map; I checked out your other maps and they looked pretty inspirational
haha wow i just thought of re-making this make yesterday but it looks like you beat me to the chase, and did a better job than i could have done haha.
Dude, nice job. I can't imagine how long this took you, especially having to jump from console to console.
Dude I am SO upset I was just finishing the same thing except it was in the bubble... Anyways I will admit that yours is crisper than mine and making it in the crypt definitely has its advantages. I guess I will just post it elsewhere. Congrats on your work
I've been getting this a lot. However, don't worry. I'm really interested to see what you will do in the bubble. It's that basement area that made you decide to do it there isn't it. I'd like to see how it turns out. Again, I appreciate the feedback. Since no one has really complained or said that anything was wrong, I guess this will be my last post in here. That is unless anyone has any pressing questions. Oh, yeah, Havoc, or who ever else who wants to as well can P.M. me for some customs this weekend. And for the record I now agree with everyone about the shotty. It is a nice fit.
Yeah, this is an unbelievable remake. It's like flawlessly remaking beaver creek or something of that calibur. I wish you would remake temple, or the grid. I've probably played this more than anyother sandbox map. 5/5
this map reminds me of one from james bond, but anyways the wood bridges are incredibly used as transports and scenery, i love how you incorporated them as both. you might want to place overshield in a different place, but otherwise 4/5. well constructed
It is the james bond map. Perfect Dark was a sequel to Golden Eye due to Rare loosing the 007 license to EA. There are not many differences. As far as the overshield, Its in a good spot. There are 4 entries to that hallway, and it will be a highly contested spot. It's not like Guardian where one team is gifted an overshield. However, there is an invis orb on an opposite corner of the map. And thanks to who ever voted a one star without dropping a line to say why. Especially since the others where 5 star ratings.