Let me know what you think about one of my first screenshots.!!! KILL b4: after: let me no wat u think bout it.. wat i should change and stuff............
^Agreed^. And the 'K' and the last 'L' are kinda hard to see. Very unique color scheme going on here, but the problems in which me and the guy above me stated have to be fixed.
take the time to wait for a full cloud opening before settling for a picture. this is alright, but i would make the lines thicker, or at least all an even width, not fat at one end and skinny on the other, like snipers do. its alright overall
ya ya this was my first screenshot and i sorta rushed it not really caring bout it.... i could have made some changes where i probably will on the smoke part, seeing it more clearly, and making them thicker... F@G WEEGS, how do u make the smoke bigger so u can make it more clear and see the whole thing?
agreed ya i was thinking about that WEEGS, i was thinking about overlapping the letters with the same weapons, upside down if u no what i mean. ya putting it more clearly too
MUCH better. i would still flip another BR over and place it on the same spot on all the BRs, but it has improved greatly. now that you have the thickness down (sorta), i think it would look cooler if u used smaller weapons, allowing you to make more detailed and customized text, instead of boring old box font