Hi, everyone, I don't know if you saw this screenshot in the Bungie Weekly Update: 05/15/09in the section Blame Stosh, but, there is the link: clic here. There is the link for the File: Clic here. Now that you saw the first version I can now show you the version 2. Clic Show Spoiler. Spoiler There is the URL for the File on Bungie.net: Clic here It would be very nice if you could Rate it, tag it or just leave a comment on Bungie.net. here Thank you.
Because I don't know 496 recons... and they are all retarded, they all think that if we wan't to take screenshots with them, we will hack them... But, I found Hydro Dioxy, and he accepted, Thanks by the way.
very nice. i like teh reconz! much better than teh elite from before! excellent job. maybe too bright? : )