There isn't something special about these screens. I had nothing to do, and I took these screens: And for you a little explanation of the situation: I'm not telling how I did that, it's legal, not modded, and possible for all maps Link for ALL the screens: : Halo 3 Screenshots
You know there is a guide for this in screenshot guides its not your little secret or anything. And i like the 2nd one.
The 2nd is cool, if you didn't tell me it was foundry, I probably would not have known unless I thought it out. And there are guides showing how to get far out of the death barriers with the camera.
I didn't know there was a guide on this. It's quite funny that I lost all this time. But anyway, I didn't used any of these three techniques. Sure, you could do these screen shots with the guide, but not this one: This is a shot from behind the factory. So please, revise what you are saying before posting in my thread... (Sorry for the horrible blue thing...) I think Bungie aren't so retarded. These sceneries are only flat texture. In other words, these are images. It could take like, one hour to do this. Thanks Donii, I took the best angle I could take before the image start ****ing.
Wow, the 2nd one is beastly. I never imagined Foundry to look something like that, because it's hard to believe since the map is in the inside. The 3rd pic looks like it has a 'Tsavo Highway' theme to it. Lol. Great job on all pics. Do it on more maps!
If you get out of foundry with a simple machine gun trick, you can see the big factory pretty well if you zoom. I feel like I should give my trick on Forgehub... But, first, I'll post more screens of other maps... And... can you please describe how to use pan-cam? Is there a complete guide on this in Forgehub?
There's a guide somewhere on forgehub. Trust us, you used pancam. It's the button combination thing. But if you didn't, then how!!!!
honestly why is it bungie puts this stuff outside the map? it helps with asthetics but much of it is hidden and you cant even see it from inside the map