Here is yet another mongoose course even more challenging than the first, Insanity. After beating the first course several times, i felt it was too easy and decided to make the new course. Impossible. Here you will find it is slightly easier until about halfway. Compared to Insanity, it is about double the length and difficulty. For me, i have only completed this course one time. You will find out why. Here are some screenshots: This course' download can be found here. Any questions, please comment or private message. If needed, my gamertag is Psychotic x23. Enjoy. p.s. Dont throw your controller at the t.v. too much during the course.
The link of your map goes to your file share and not to the map. That is against Forgehubs regulations so you might want to fix that soon. The map otherwise looks fun. I never played your other map but this one intrigues me a little. Good job posting I can tell you put a lot of work into this map. Kudos
The map is huge, and judging by the pictures looks very challenging and difficult. I have never seen insanity but if you say its easier, i will first try it and then impossible. The forging seems very good and the challenges look good as well.
You mind stop spamming old maps? That's about 8 maps in 5 minutes, I can't see any new threads that pop up if you keep spamming.
just by looking at the name i know its impossible.challenge tracks are fun for more than one peson in a game and keep u busy.also nice work on the track, hope to see more from you.
I am currently going to post as I progess through the map, so I'm playing aas I post I died on the first turn lol. Damn it at the blue part it bounced me in the hole. Screw it I'm just going to post this
You people need to stop posting these lame-ass courses in the RACE MAPS forum. They don't belong here. Post them in casual. The map? Still too easy. I beat it on my first try six consecutive times. There is also nothing original whatsoever. You should also add aesthetics because looking at this map is like the worst eye candy ever. 2.5/5