Hey guys as you might not know bungie day started about 10 mins ago and i would like to set this up for members to post about there games, wheter they were matched with bungie staff and stuff, tell me about your favourite maps, your team members, anything. Have a great day!
I dont have a team of friends but ive picked up some good lone people and i ahve only lost one match which was the first
I swear to god, I can't wait till my friends online. I've honestly almost lost every single ggame I've played so far >:l Stonehenge is awesome.
We had a dominating foursome but it sadly disbanded. We just beat 2 generals and two second accounts in one flag 2-0.
nevermind - we found more players Wouldn't it be funny if bungie weren't actually playing, and this is all a big scam to boost their live numbers?! Wouldn't it be funny if bungie weren't actually playing, and this is all a big scam to boost their live numbers?!
i just played four games and played regicide four times. also, i heard that if you quit too much, then even if you win, bungie isn't going to give you recon.
I have been plagued by quitters. Also alot of people claiming to be Bungie employees but "undercover." One guy even claimed that a Bungie guy told him that there is a secret recon skull hidden on the Sandbox variant maps. Not the Sandbox skull. But a "Secret" Halo 3 Bungie day Recon skull. And if you wait till one minute is left in your match you receive a hint for where it is. I kid you not.
It's just a hoax created by hype. Don't give in to it. I'd be willing to bet that actual Bungie employees won't be using mics
I think my team got you beat... we went in exactly at 4:00 EST right when the playlist came available.
Getting a team together right now, going to try to score us some recon in the 3rd and 4th quarters. Anyone mind telling me what to expect as far as the maps are concerned? I know of them, but have never played on most of them.