Foundry The Carnival v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Soldier62994, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map: Foundry
    Gametype: None, Damage-75%, no grenades at spawn.
    Size: Medium
    Players: 1-5. 1-4 is Best
    Style: Aesthetic
    Author: Soldier62994
    Link: Clicky

    Hey, welcome to my map The Carnival v2 :) . The Carnival v2 is a remake of my most popular map...The Carnival. It's going strong with 3,300 downloads and the post here on Forgehub has as many views as some Featured Maps >.> . I thought it was about time I made a remake, and it's just in time for Best of Forge. Hint Hint ;)

    Anyway, to the map.

    The Carnival v2 is a different type of Aesthetic map, it's a completely playable map, while still only being Aesthetic. This is accomplished by putting in re-creations of real life things, and, in this case, it's Carnival Games. I like to call these games Mini-Mini Games. I say this because they aren't there for multiple people to battle it out and see who wins. They're there to compliment the Aesthetic nature of the map. They're all playable, but only server the purpose of being Aesthetic. So, they're also Ministhetic.

    The Games:

    Milk Bottles

    The classic carnival games. It's simple to play. Pick up a Power Drain and toss it at the Milk Bottles. /end game
    Rules: One try per Milk Bottles. ALL three must topple over for credit to be given.
    Notes: It's a money glitch map, and I deleted the radar jammers. Therefore, you only haz power drains. So, you need to do the milk bottles quickly, either wise the drains will esplode and blow them up anywayz. 1 ticket.

    Cone Shooting

    This is more of a thought up game, but really fits in well. The idea is simple, but fun. Hidden behind 3 of the 16 cones is a magnum. Oh, and the hidden three spawn behind different cones each round/game. So memory doesn't help here :)
    Rules: You can only take 5 shots and can only hit one cone per shot.
    Notes: It's sometimes hard to see if you found a magnum or not, so have one player stand behind the counter and check for you. Or if you're alone, check yourself. 1 ticket per cone.

    Strength Test

    Simply pick up a Grav Hammer and swing at the wire spool. Try and get it to the top and knock over the soccer ball. You'll hear a noise if you get it.
    Rules: 1 swing
    Notes: The receiver nodes are titled at slight angles, therefore you won't always get to the top. 2 tickets.


    Pick up a power drain, jump, throw. Try and get it in.
    Rules: 3 throws
    Notes: The pictures show plasma nades, these are now replaced with Power Drains. 3 tickets.


    Grab at least one friend, pick up a plasma pistol located in front of the fusion coils. Back up to the line shown in the picture, wait for the Go! and start shooting at your coil, respectively. First one to blow theirs up wins.
    Rules: Only shoot at yours. Stay behind the line. Wait for the Go!. The pistol will overheat before you win. Keep your eye out.
    Notes: When one fusion coil blows up, they all do. There is no workaround for this. Just have a ref keep his eye out for who's goes first. Don't forgot, 75% damage. 2 tickets plus 1 for every person you beat.

    Dunk Tank

    Requires at least two people, or two controllers. Have on person step up to the "podium" and another get ontop of the Pallet(Via the side). The person on the podium has two grenade throws to try and get it in the hole.

    Now, for the Aesthetic Features of the map.

    Ticket Booth.

    A little bland, I know. Item limit reached :(

    The Bar and Grill

    The Bar and Grill features a Bar and a Grill. Walk up to the Grill to activate.

    The Back Alley

    Every Carnival needs a sleezy back alley. So...I put one in.

    And last but not least, the Ticket Redemption Booth
    Notes: This is where the tickets I mentioned come into play. And don't forget to check for thrown away prizes before you buy one :)
    • Right Pallet: 4 Tickets
    • Left Pallet: 6 Tickets
    • Left Wall: 10 Tickets
    • "Window Sill": 14 Tickets

    Also, there is four secrets/easter eggs hidden throughout the map.


    Not really hidden, but an easter egg.
    Hint: Bad Carny Driver Is Bad

    Flamethrower: No Picture, it'll give it away
    Hint: Floor Window Roof

    Heart: Again, no picture.
    Hint: Secret Entrance...oh wait...not much of a hint. Oh well.

    Flame Grenade: And...again...same as above
    Hint: The Coils

    Thanks for checking out my map. Here's another download link in case you're too lazy to scroll up.
    Linky] : Halo 3 File Details

    EDIT: Forgot to mention some of the pictures are from v1. Almost EVERYTHING has been straightened out/re-interlocked/geo-merged.
    #1 Soldier62994, Jul 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009
  2. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
    Senior Member

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    first post...this map has to be one of the most original mingame maps ive seen. it actually is a carnival for halo three not just aesthetics il ove how u can actually play the games and you made about every game in this map you find at a carnvial great forging
  3. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks very well thought out and has some extra things like the "tickets" that may make it more enjoyable. I think that for a carnival map... it looks pretty clean and some parts are merged so good job on the map and the post.

  4. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the positive response, and the lack of a */5 makes it even better :) . Hope to see you commenting on some of my maps in the near future

    The "tickets" were thrown into the post to add to the playability. Also, almost EVERY single thing is merged, except for the wall separating the map from the money glitch area. Well, that and the ticket booth. But the ticket booth isn't because it's all movable stuff :D
  5. chao365

    chao365 Ancient
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    Nice I like the updates V2. I also like how you added the easter eggs. Ive found all except flame grenades
  6. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
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    wow! i loved V1 and V2 looks even better! I can't wait to play it. i like the new fusion coil game. but how do you keep track of tickets and get stuff from teh redemption thing? anyways 5/5 for pre-download
  7. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map re-uploaded, fixed a problem with the plasma pistols not spawning, magnums sometimes only spawning one, and the stove going off at the start of the round.
  8. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    Wow,I had the origanal on my HD for a long time,and I think I found whats gonna replace it.
    You have really took real carnival games,and turned them into halo games.

    You took everything from v1 and updated it,making it an acual v2. (instead of the changes the spawn time in the sniper and call it a v2) You payed very much deatail into everything,and got creative,like using the items for the budget glitch in the ticket redemption booth. the only downside to the upgrade is the ticket booth.

    Onto hoe to fix it,the only thing I can think of "improvement wise" is to put sheild doors inbetween your fuison coils in the shoot out game.

    overall: love it,great to play when Im bored.

  9. natu

    natu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks, really well thought out but, your actually building of the map could of been better. Remake of this on sandbox is needed.
  10. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love these carnival maps! :) As far as yours goes, I think one of the most well thought out and cleaner ones to date. Great job! :) 5/5 for the map 4/5 for playability.
  11. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great job making all of the mini games playable. I epecially like the cone shooting contest.

    The tickets are also a very unique idea that really tops of the map.
  12. iiSLuSHyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    Senior Member

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    this looks really fun you got my download=D

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