Triumph Created by superMATTsuper Supported Gametypes: Supports all default gametypes, though it is recommended to turn off starting grenades, and make starting weapon the "Plasma Pistol". Works best, I'd say, with smaller parties. 2vs2 or 3vs3 would be best. Map Description The map was loosely based off a Ratchet and Clank 3 multiplayer map. I named it Triumph because I wanted something starting with "tri" (means three, and there are three outer islands). So Triumph became the name. Basically, theres a middle island, and off that branches another three islands - the two bases (red and blue) and the sniper tower. The islands are all connected to each other (except the two bases) by bridges. Obelisks and Fins are used for cover. Between the two bases is a floating platform with a Banshee. The Banshee is for aesthetics. It cannot be used. Though if you someone manage to get to it, you deserve to be able to use it, I guess. All the weapons are Covenant and Brute (hence the starting weapon recommendations). They are mainly duals, with "Carbines", a "Needler" and a "Beam Rifle". There are also tonnes of dual weapons and stick grenades. This all sounds wierd, but trust me, it works. I've made multiple maps with this sort of weapon set-up. The duals are effective but limit grenade usage. Also, weapon placement forces the players to move around the entire map for the right combination. The Needler is like the Rocket Launcher in other maps and gives a couple of kills. The Carbines are good for finishing off a wounded enemy. The duals are best combined in a Plasma/Bullet thing so you can take down shields, then finish off with a bullet weapon. Weapon List: 8 Spikers 8 Maulers 8 Plasma Pistols 8 Plasma Rifles 1 Needler 1 Beam Rifle 4 Carbines 10 Plasma Grenades 10 Spike Grenades 3 Bubble Shields In the foreground, there's the sniper tower. You can also see the other "islands" and bases. Taken looking the other way to the previous image. The banshee is in the foreground. Download: : Halo 3 File Details Enjoy! Please comment. superMATTsuper
I dont get it the first picture there is no brige to the banshe but in the second picture there is btw nice map i would recomend more cover br and carbins get u pissed. 1 br 4 carbines its a very weird weapons list you have but anyway ur doing great
dude............ on the sec pic the banshee seems to be conected, but its actually not. If u read the post it sayed that the banshee is not accesable and is only for asthietics. BTW, i like ur map. Seems good for a 2v2, that it would play well, but i have a complain. In ur wep list, u have: 8 Spikers 8 Maulers(reduce that amount now to just 2). 8 Plasma Pistols 8 Plasma Rifles If id be you i would reduce this amount. Also, i noticed u have: 10 Plasma Grenades 10 Spike Grenades 20 grenades on a map this sized is not very good. As sayed before, reduce this amount. Look guardian for example. It may be the size of this map and only has 4 plasma granades and 4 frag grenades. SCORE:4/5. *Just edit weapon list and reduce its wepons and grenades.
I agree with the others, the weapons list does need tweaking. but apart from that its a good map, nice layout. You better have double checked and made sure nobody can get to the banshee, the people who do jump maps do some crazy things.
3 BUBBLE SHIELDS?!?!? I definitely think that you need to remove one or two of those. Or change them to something else. Otherwise great map layout, 4/5 EDIT: I've finished a brute/covenant map myself, and I found that there are lots of equipment that fit the theme. Deployable covers, radar jammers, flares, and power drains are all brute/covenant. Maybe if you add those in it will have that feel you were trying to create.
i see no wepons on the map so clearly you shoved them all in the bases except for the needler and the beam rifle. and one of the bubbleshields. the map design is kind of original and i have 20$ that roche can get to the banshee. he does jumps that will make you orgasm. anyway imma dl to check the spawns and if it's **** im never playing it again.
this map is far too small as well as the bases. you say the banshees purely for aesthetics but im pretty sure i could get it and pwn every1 then. also using a banshee just for aesthetics is a waste of money and doesnt make sense. nice layout though
For me the map looks really good. In your post you said the banshee is not for use... well i think you really could put it into the game and really bump up the fun on this map. Good map and good post anyway. -Irish
Thanks for the replies. A couple of things: With the banshee, it's there because on the RAC3 map that inspired this one, there is a floating base with a Hovership. That bit is the floating base with a Banshee. But a Banshee would be too overpowering so that's just there to look cool. It's not exactly a money waster either - you'd most likely hit the object limit before the budget limit in sandbox. And it's also there because that space looks a bit empty otherwise. Also, someone said that they might be able to make the jump - if you do, you deserve to use the banshee. The weapons aren't crammed into the bases. They're are spread out around the map. People have also complained coz the weapons are wierd. Trust me, they work. I've made a couple of maps with similiar weapon layouts and they are all awesome. You can either: -Get single-weld weapons. Beamer is ownage as sniper, Needler is powerful, too. And the carbines are good for finishing off a weakened enemy. -Get dual-weld weapons for mad combos OR single dual weld weapon so you can grenade better. The duals mean you have to move all over the map to get the combos. Grenades mean tonnes of sticky kills, which are helpful. The bubble shields are there for people with Maulers, Beamers and stickys to get kills. The different weapons also mean you can be vulnerable to long/short range combat depending on what you have. Trust me - the weapons sound wierd but they work. Thanks again for the replies! superMATTsuper
you can never have 2 many bubble shields, lol. and yes, its possible to get to the banshee, although hard. grenade jump onto the wall, then grenade jump onto the obelisk. finally do i nice little eqipment jump or something olong the lines of that.
you have a cool idea behind this. but it only one level.since this is sandbox i think you should make it another level in the middle. or maybe make the bases two levels but thats my only concern. also i dont think you need the banshee. it just ruins gameplay.
Yeah, I got to the Banshee pretty easily with a plasma grenade jump. With MetaLemur, I don't get what you mean. The base has an upper level. The Banshee can't ruin gameplay - it's aesthetic and isn't there to be used. Thanks for the replies! superMATTsuper