MLG Transfer

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by DarkIce Dragon, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    Fear of Heights? Not anymore!

    Testing was with v5's of every gametype! But they also work with the new v6's

    • MLG TS v6
    • MLG Ball v6
    • MLG King v6
    • ONS CTF v6

    This 2 sides symmetrical map offers a lot of playing ground, using all the center space of Foundry but blocking of the corridors. With the large structure in the center called: 'The Bridge', it offers lots of different playing levels and because almost everything is jumpable it is the best MLG map I've ever created. The Bridge is the center piece of the map, it connects the 2 bases with each other and has a bit of usefull aestetics for covering space. The rest of the map also offers a lot of cover, like the 4 little houses on each corner of the map. The Bridge is accesible through a lot of different ways, and I think you will find all of them if you play the map.


    • 10 BR's
    • 2 Carbines
    • 2 Maulers
    • 1 Rocket Launcher
    • 2 Snipers

    • 8 Plasma Grenates
    • 8 Frag Grenates


    'The Bridge' the main walkpath in the map!

    Flag walking on the bridge.

    Side stairs that lead onto the bridge.

    Ball walking on the groundlevel, next to the center Bridge Pillar!

    Left side of one of the bases

    The actual base itself.

    You can almost jump everywhere, the only place in accecible is the top of the bridge

  2. Quello

    Quello Ancient
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    This is awesome. The first couple of pictures are VERY impressive. Everything looks smooth and cleen and the idea is very original.

    But once I saw the house, it kinda lost its thing. Im sure more can be done with the rest. Besides the rest of the map looking.. Blank?.. This looks amazing.

    4/5 and dl
  3. JarHead

    JarHead Ancient
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    This map is so awesome. I have been waiting to download it since I tested it awhile back. But i think how really you added a new style to the map that has not been seen in MLG before. This is a truly am amazed by the precision of this map. Keep up the good work.
    #3 JarHead, Feb 26, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2009

    MAP MAKER Ancient
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    Woah woah woah ... house .. serioulsy, its been done a jizz-tillion times and just looks crappy, try and use items you wouldnt expect to use or even locked movable objects to create something pretty. The top section looks reli nice but it seems hard to get back up to the top once youve lost the hill, add some cover perhaps or maybe some walls you can bounce grenades off perhaps... looks good though well done :]

    EDIT: i said perhaps 100 times ... der
  5. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    well the map looks pretty good and all but it looks like a better mlg ts map then ctf or king. anyways i like how you made your map look like not every other mlg map out there.

    in that note i like how you have houses in there to and have that ramp up top. just one thing you should fix though is the house. i know its hard but you should interlock the roof into the building otherwise some lucky grenade might make it inside.

    in the end good job and keep foging 5/5
  6. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
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    The houses need to be changed. The drastically lose the respect of the map. It's wonderful merging and new shapes and spaces on one side and on the other side little grandmas play house.
  7. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    the map looks very nice. i like the layout. i dont like how the ma is made up around the structure in the middle but its still really nice. i would suggest that you try to make a more balanced map when building.
  8. xXxI4 shotIxXx

    xXxI4 shotIxXx Ancient
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    I didnt notice the first play though on this map, but you have wire spools or w/e they are called.They are not allowed in a MLG map, unless held down.
  9. XxWoolyxX

    XxWoolyxX Ancient
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    this is is a disgrace to mlg sorry
  10. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
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    i agree with wooly are u serious this is terrible yea u used interlocking but the gameplay was pathetic this couldnt pass as an mlg map even if amplified was ever made seriously dont keep forging till u learn how to geomerge and interlock correctly
  11. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Love it. Map layout looks great and same goes with the forging... I coulda sworn i have seen something like this before... Anyways great map and gameplay looks to be very fun on it.
  12. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    im sorry but i would have to agree with lemur, i mean honestly the houses with rooftops? the wire spool, and the nearly vertical bridges? i do like how the map looks nothing like anyone elses like amplified or onslaught, and the slayer must play very well for this map. one suggesttion is to not make this an mlg map.
  13. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    not to be mean, but have we at FH lowered our standard so much? These are MLG maps people and i've seen maps 1000x better than this. no offense to the creator at all, the map is a good start but i've noticed lately we have have been impressed with mediocre maps. take a look at some of the better maps and then give constructive criticism to some of the lesser maps.

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