Not to be confused with the first game you ever played thread. What is/are your, oldest, favorite FPS game/games you have played. Mine are Half-Life, Serious Sam, Doom, and Unreal Tournament. EDIT: I just installed Quake 2 and played it for 2 hours, that game is awesome with a kick-ass soundtrack. Quake 3 Arena is also awesome.
Time Splitters 2, my god that game had so much in it. tons of maps, characters, editor, weapons, it had it all, except jumping.
Goldeneye and perfect dark for n64 and also red faction for ps2 that game was sweet how you could break walls and stuff.
Quake 3 Arena. Best FPS game ever. Timesplitters 2 was pretty damn awesome too ... loads of fun was had with that. I also loved the original Soldier of Fortune.
yeah time splitters 1 and 2 were amazing. if they had jumping I seriously think it could have outlived any other game.