Im not sure i understand how this Bungie vs. World thing is going to work. Me and three other people go against bungie 4 on 4? If my team wins does the WHOLE TEAM get recon or just whoever got the highest score? And can we go against bungie as many times as we like or only once? EDIT: Is there a chance to be paired up with Regular players? If anyone could explain this to me i would appreciate it. Thanks -Nate
Im going to just keep on going in, on my own, and hopefully I get teamed up with a bunch of MLG Pros lol
It's just going to be how Team Slayer is set up, you can go in by yourself, or get matched up with three other random players. In my opinion, it would be best to play with your friends, so you can have more cooperation and teamwork. But that's simply my opinion, you can do whatever you desire to do. There are 35 customized maps in the play list too, there are no standardized Bungie maps.
Considering you can go in as a random on a social playlist and go up against a party of four I wouldn't think it would matter for this social playlist. I would try to find a team just so you know you don't have a bunch of little kids that are garbage.
starting at 1:00, for 24 Hours there will be 30 teams (4bungie members per team) that will go into the playlist- Bungie vs the World. If you can be one of the lucky teams to get matched up against a Bungie team and beat them, your team gets Recon Armor. All maps are forged custom maps made on Sandbox and I think that there are a few on Foundry. So good luck. Also- a small tip. If you dont want to end up like my banned friend: DONT TEABAGG SHISHKA! (or any member). They do not HAVE to give Recon to trash talking, annoying people.
Let's see, ONE four man Bungie team is going to be in the Bungie vs the world play list at a time, there will always be only one team in the play list for 24 hours. There will probably be any where from 30,000 to 80,000 people in the play list throughout its duration, so yes you will definitely be playing against regular people. Playing against Bungie is going to require a lot of luck.
poop Aw f-ck.... So its gonna be a 1 in 40,000 chance that your gonna be paired up with Bungie.. THEN its gonna be hard to beat them... aaaaaawwwwwww man... Im an average player so even if i get paired up against Bungie ill probobly lose. Does anybody know how good the bungie players are? Statistics mean nothing, NOTHING, so i was wondering if any1s got 1st hand experience?