Hey everyone. I've been lookin at the website site for a couple days, so i joined. Pretty cool place here, looking forward to it . Peace
Welcome to Forge Hub Kittenz! Feel free to look around, and post! Remember to read the rules. (Found Here: Link) I think this would be appropriate now: [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlk-oU3wwYU&feature=related[/YOUTUB"]YouTube - Metalocalypse - Release The Kitties
Hello, welcome to forgehub. I hope you enjoy your stay, and take the time to do a few things like say: catch up on forgehubs memes, find some maps, build some maps, check out the Graphics section, hit on one of our few females, feed the trolls (frag man), learn not the feed the trolls (frag man), and stay away from Donii. He loves himself.
Wow, a lot of people are saying Hi... Oh well, hello. Be warned Sarge lurks in the shadows... Waiting, for a moment to strike be cautious make no noise leave not a crumb of dirt or he will find you, and he will kill you.
Holy (remove explicit word due to desparate attempts at trying not to get banned, and because a couple of friends asked him not to post these inexplicable explicit words that would most definitely get him perma-banned, and he won't be able to return for most-likely an eternity, and live his life in super epic boredom because he lives in a basement, homeschooled, with no friends, and has no life. So for his sake, the word was removed), you came out the off-topic (remove explicit word due to desparate attempts at trying not to get banned, and because a couple of friends asked him not to post these inexplicable explicit words that would most definitely get him perma-banned, and he won't be able to return for most-likely an eternity, and live his life in super epic boredom because he lives in a basement, homeschooled, with no friends, and has no life. So for his sake, the word was removed)? What the (Refer to the previous paranthesis.) is wrong with you? I thought you only lived in the PPC?