I'm looking for a canvas that has all the original objects stacked to the side (I'd prefer the middle area, but it doesn't matter), no lasers, and budget glitched. Is there an existing canvas like this? I'd be very thankful if someone could pull one up for me.
There's one by Cosmic Rick and Devinish or something out there. Here it is: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Happy forging.
My heart leaps that there's a response, only to find that its not budget glitched and I already have it... *sigh*
Link Here you go man. I've used this canvas on a couple of my maps. Be careful about overloading the map though. I've had some problems with flickering.
Thank you much! That's exactly what I was looking for. If a mod sees this thread, feel free to lock it.