ok so i think u cud make this rly cool. ok 2 pkmn trainers can have grenade (like pokeballs) and they thro them into a arena this grenade xplodes a box or something to relase 1 of 6 teleports that have ppl behind them. then the 2 ppl come out and battle 1v1 like charizard (flamethower) vs piakchu (BR) of course if the person behind one of the teles could get a powerup that makes them yellow like a psyduck ^^ what do u all think of my idea, dont be hurtfull plz like my daddy
Sounds like a good idea! If you need any help just ask me and I'm there. The funny thing is I don't even really like pokemon any more, but this sounds like fun.
its a good idea man when u get it send me a shout out or if u need help send me a shout out AWAYAIRPLANE is my game tag