Sandbox Shoots and Ladders

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by W0lf, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. W0lf

    W0lf Ancient
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    Shoots and Ladders
    Created by Debo Mcnasty and xxx W0lf xxx

    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer
    One Flag
    Two Flag ( One flag is better )
    Assult (one bomb and neutral bomb )
    Territories - Flag Rally
    KOTH - Crazy King

    Map Description
    This is an Asymetric map it is great for offense defense type games. Also fun for Slayer and Terrritories. The map is large and fairly open by design promoting the use of vehicles and BR use.

    Best suited for 8 - 12 players

    Overview of map

    View from ramp side

    Rocket Spawn

    View from Sniper Tower

    Jumping the Ramp

    Thanks for trying out the map please let me know what you think.

    Download Shoots and Ladders HERE

    KNEE TO FACE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks really cool! I really like the bases. Would you mind putting a weapon list though so we know what weapons are on the map? Thanks The only thing I might suggest is a little more cover. Like in the 2nd pic, bottom right corner its wide open and there is no cover. Maybe you could add something small there so they at least have something
  3. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
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    really bud are you gonna say that... that really deserves an infraction for not giving an comment about his map besides a little rating that even isnt true cause this doesnt deserve a 5/5 no offense

    the map is pretty good with huge bases but we cant really tell much from the pics excpet that theres two bases a sniper tower and a ramp... more pics would be helpful but from what i can see this map isnt that good. Theres not that much cover and what there is is poorly thrown about. there isnt much mering and the bases arent original just huge blocks. the only thing i like about this map is combining the lift going up into the sniper tower and a ramp
  4. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    Orly? How's about an empty map? Now THAT would be flawless.

    Anyways, back to the map. From my observations, it seems as though it would be very difficult to advance into enemy grounds, considering that most of the map lacks cover, and that the bases themselves provide a frick-load of protection for those who chose to stay there. Obviously, the team that decides to take defense will have a huge advantage over those that decide to take offense. This isn't a aspect you'll want to include in your map. Adding a few more structures (or even a few blocks here and there) will balance out the gameplay tremendously. I also recommend using similar structures on both ends, to ensure that neither team has a notable advantage over the other.
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Hmm... Seems pretty good and the layout and forging is well done. YOu also have some pretty cool looking stuff in here although looks like you could use a bit more cover. Either way good job.
  6. W0lf

    W0lf Ancient
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    First thanks for all the comments.
    At the begining of the post I said hte map was fairly open by design. I didnt want a map with similar structures on both sides thats what makes it asymetrical ...... think of High Ground. The defense is supposed to stay in the base guard the flag. The offense is supposed to try to move on the flag but it takes team work to keep the defenders pinned down so that you can advance. It is wide open to promote the use of the vehicles and the mid to long range battles. Which brings me to the weapons

    This map has a 2 BR's and 2 carbines at each base with more BR's spread across the middle. The rockets spawn under the jump. There is a sniper for the attackers and a laser for the defenders. both teams have a shotgun there is a hammer in the covered hill .
  7. W0lf

    W0lf Ancient
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    We are finishing up version 2 of this map gonna be playing some games on it next Tuesday 07/09 if anyone would like to play on the new version send me a gamertag

    Added a little more ground cover
    Reworked the sniper tower and the man canon to get to the sniper tower
    Tweaked the spawn points
    Tweaked the territories

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