Introduction Alright, so many of you have already played on this map probably do to the facts that other then a fe spawn area adjustments, and weapon placement modifications, it has been done for almost a month. I was very hesitant to post it because I wanted it to be of the utmost quality. Now, this post may not be all flashy and such, but I will do my best to convey what you should know about the map. Map name origin: The name "Abacabb" may leave you scratching your head. Well it is in fact the name of a grindcore band. Look them up. Anyways, the band got their name from the button sequence to do Sub-Zero's fatality in the original Mortal Combat Game for Sega Genesis. And now you know! And knowing is half the battle! Map Construction This map was first put into production about 5-6 months ago by my friend and co-forger ShadowofDavid. He is responsible for most of the defender's base, as well as the basic map layout. However, after many periods of restrictions from his xbox, map construction came to a halt. Then, about a month and a half ago, he booted up his xbox and invited me to play. I He showed me the map, and I offered to help him finish it. From there, we did some forging together, and eventually, we had come to an agreement on how we wanted the layout. Even though he still wants to get rid of the "arch" . Anyways, after I finished up the attacker's base, and connected the attackers base with the warthog tunnel, we were ready to start spawns and weapons. I did the entire spawn layout and weapon placement, with input from Shadow. We ened up using Beam Rifles instead of Sniper Rifles, because I accidentally deleted the original Sniper Rifle for the budget glitch. Anyways, after that was finished, I began testing. After a few testing sessions, I was not happy with how the map turned out. I went back into forge and started doing some MAJOR geometry tweaking. I blocked off certain spots, added a ramp to the top of the defender's base, and a few other things. I also tweaked the weapon spawns a bit. Anyways, I kept being hesitant to actually post the map because I wanted it to be perfect. The result is what is posted here Gametypes Abacabb is an asymmetrical map, and therefore plays better with asymmetrical gametypes (discluding TS). Here are the gametypes that it is set up for: NOTE: Asterisks (*) denote gameplay quality. Capture the Flag:**** For Capture the flag, the map plays suprisingly well with 2v2. I also found that if you have a larger party, (4v4-5v5) it would probably be a good idea to put on BR starts. Oddball:*** Oddball can be played with either teams, or FFA. The factor that is different about this map, is that the lines of sight allow for a longer ball holding time (lawl), however, it becomes difficult to escape if you try to camp in a certain area with the ball. This means that you should try to go for concentrated periods of control, while still staying on the move. Assault:*** Not much to say about Assault, it plays much like any other map that is set up for Assault. The only difference that I noticed was that it is harder for the attackers to plant the bomb, but easier for them to actually score after planting. Slayer:***** The map definitely plays best with slayer. This is the gametype to go for when dealing with parties of 8 or above. However, it is also a GREAT 2v2 map. If you have a skilled teammate, and can put some concentrated BR headshots on your opponents, you are good to go. Halo CE Pistols:***** A gametype that I am releasing with the map. No weapons on map, no starting grenades, and 3 shot pistols. Something to tide you over until Halo: ODST comes out. Gameplay Weapons on map: Battle Rifle x 8 (45s) Plasma Rifle x 2 (60s) Needler x 2 (60s) Mauler x 2 (60s, 0 clips) Beam Rifle x 2 (120s) Spartan Laser x 1 (150s) Machine Gun Turret x 1 (180s) Equipment: Frag Grenade x 4 (60s) Plasma Grenade x 8 (60s) Bubble Shield x 2 (150s) Power Drainer x 2 (150s) Overshields x 1 (180s) Vehicles: Mongoose x 2 (90s) Ghost x 1 (150s) Team Balancing: Now, unlike most maps, both teams do not start with the exact same equipment and weapons within radius. This is what makes Abacabb unique. Attackers: The attackers spawn near an overshield, that is obtainable without crossing the defender's line of sight. However, the attacker's Beam Rifle, is is farther away from their spawn, and is right on the other side of a line of fire from the defender's machine gun turret. The best strategy for the attackers is for one person to take the OS and go for Beam Rifle while he is still invincible for that split second, while the other person(s) on his team head left to contest the defender's for their Beam Rifle spawn. Defenders: The defenders spawn right next to a Machine gun turret, that is accessible without crossing attackers' initial line of sight. The Beam Rifle for the Defenders is also closer, and more better covered by lines of sight. Also note that there is a Teleporter right next to the defenders' spawn that leads them to the ghost spawn, as well as right in front of where the attackers will be facing if they are going for the Beam Rifle. The best strategy for the defenders is to have one person go for the Turret to stop the attackers from getting the Beam Rifle, and have another person get the Needler and go through the teleporter to kill the person who has overshield. You can also have another person go for the beam rifle on your team's side, but if this strategy is done succesfully, your team should have already killed the attacker's OS and the person going for beam rifle, so you can simply take the Attacker's Beam Rifle. Video:(thanks Zak, note that the video is not the final version of the map, the version in the screenshots is the one in the DL link) YouTube - SadFaic Map Walkthrough-Abacabb And Finally, for the screenshots! Attacker's side Attacker's base looking out Looking into attacker's base Attacker's Beam Rifle spawn Attacker's garage Defender's side Defender's overview Defender's Beam Rifle spawn On top of Defender's base Looking out from Defender's Beam Rifle spawn The lift Bottom of lift Top of lift Other areas Ramp to top of Defender's base. "The Junkyard" (attackers' spawn area in bomb, defender' spawn area in other gametypes) Power Drain hall Ghost Spawn and middle bridge. Spartan Laser can also be seen. Entrance to Warthog Tunnel as well as other side of Two way node in defenders' base Inside the Warthog Tunnel Conclusion I hope you guys enjoy mine and ShadowofDavid's map. All comments and concerns are appreciated. Download Abacabb Download Halo CE pistols
This is truly a great map, it so much fun with 2v2, but works well with any size of players, i have played this with dow a bunch of times, the ghost is not at all overpowered and it is very well balanced, there used to be a elevator where the lift was, i thought you should have kept it dow, it was fun to use . anyways, the map is great, 5/5
Ha yeah, ShadowofDavid did that one, I changed it to the lift because the elevator only worked once every couple minutes, and I needed people to be able to get up faster. I was thinking about using the old one with the elevator as an infection version, but I am pretty busy with my other maps I'm working on.
this is really fun on oddball.Considering it is the only one I got to play it seems awsome and the turrets are all right but I think they are a little too overpowering.Ya might wanna fix that.And the bases all seem awsome.Good job Doww I love this mnap so much and overall it is a nice map to play on for all gametypes(I hope =))
In a time where maps become redundant and boring, Abacabb shines through the darkness as a unique gem. Although Abacabb is on Foundry, it uses unique methods to keep the game enjoyable and solid. The layout itself is original as is the aesthetics and style. The map brings a fresh game to the table. I haven't played a map that played like this. Players have excellent ways to navigate around the epic architecture. You may use the trusty tunnel or the quick lift. Weapon spawns and points of control become hot spots. The lazer spawn sets up a good risk versus reward style with both weapon and control. The map has brilliant flow and keeps players coming back. If you are bored with the newer maps, slide into this puppy. Good job, dow.
I still remember the first time you showed me Abacabb Dow. Although I don't quite remember if ShadowofDavid was there or not, because it was so long ago. Abacabb was amazing to me Dow. It wasn't amazing just because you made it, but because it stood out above the rest of the Foundry maps that seem so repetitive. But it's not just because it's asymmetrical, but because it utilizes all of Foundry to it's fullest extent. Dow and Shadow, you two didn't just throw in two bases, and some random cover. I remember back when there was an elevator on Abacabb... But I do see why you got rid of it. It wasn't very dependable, and took quite awhile to reset. The arch, however much Shadow hates it, it suggests that a power weapon hides deep inside it. Although I bet you wanted to put a sniper rifle in it, the beam rifle will do. I love the aesthetics that always "Wow" every player that walks by them. From the incredible gameplay to the amazing forging, Abacabb is sure to stay on my hard drive for quite a long time.
I like the fourth picture from the bottom. That's a really cool looking structure. It's also nice to see that somebody is still forging on Foundry. Overall 4/5. There's a few things that are sloppy the overall design is pretty good.
I like how unique this map is. But I still don't like the line-of-sight-blocking arch. And somehow I even managed to get on top of it. Guess I placed the jump juuuust right. Although I have yet to play a game on it, those mongooses tell me it's a very epic win.
this is one of the many maps that i like on foundry, the slanted walls and the smooth cleanly placed boxes call for a map like this i would include a chost for more chaors, but don't take my word for it. 5/5
looks like a great layout, good idea looks like you put some thot into it i like the concept and the gamplay looks like it would be fine. 4/5
I love it when maps have nice, original names lol. I love the map, some good, neat interlocking anf forging skills porved and topped off with some great gameplay. 4.5/5 from me
I've only played halo CE pistols on this but that was greatly fun. It had exiting and interesting gameplay. But about the pistols, it makes me wish they were always that strong because then people would actually use the pistols.