storage 61 description: this is a very simple, small 1v1 map wilt little cover and quick action. background (not required reading): in the outskirts of the jungle along tsavo's highway was a huge storage facility whitch was unloaded once the war against the covenant broke out. huge parts of the facilities was used by GWC-global water campaign (ghost town) to get water during the war. the unused parts of the storage facilities was made into a base by the end of the war, this little facility is storage 61, now used for training UNSC recruits. gametypes: BR practice (download)recomended sniper practice (download) pics: [IM][IG][/IMG] now go ahead and download it!
Well from what i see the map looks nice although you dont really show much of the map, or is that it? From what i see its just one tiny enclosed area...If there is more a bigger overview would help...
Nice forging, but a bit 'too' simple for me. But apart from the layout you have very good forging skills =D
Sorry this map is to small... even for 1 verse 1. 2.5/5 for good forging Sorry man but this map is to small... even for 1v1. try just extending it like maybe replicating that room and connect the 2 of them. I mean that could make the map better.and then have the flags spawn on the middle thing -2.5/5 for clean forging