My capture card has been being stupid so i decided to use the render to film for this awesome jump i did in matchmaking. YouTube - Matchmaking rubble jump.
lol, that guy must've been like, h4x?!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad you got sniped at the end though, I would've teabagged that guy.
It's the only sexual thing you can do in Halo, and there is a huge load of immature teenagers on there.
This was on team slayer you say? On matchmaking? No it wasn't, there is not a green team in team slayer. Sorry, but gotcha there, also the guy that you kill is either completly terrible, OR what I think, acting. gotcha.
Too bad you didn't have a sniper at the time. It would have been a lot more cool if you would have completed the jump and finished it off with a no scope. If I was that guy, I would probably have been like, "WTF!" Anyway, Nice job, I try to pull these off in matchmaking every once in a while..
I know your trying yo make a smart remark and prove him wrong, but he never said Team Slayer. Matchmaking consists of many games, so think before you speak/type.
1st, The pistol is an accuracy weapon. That means once his shields are down a quick one shot to the head will end him. It's also not a bad gun if you can aim, and land mostly headshots. Like a watered down version of the BR. 2nd, In practice? Maybe hard, but not impossible. In a MM game? Nigh impossible I'm guessing.