Sorry, I forgot about that little problem. Oh, and thats a watermark on the "after" comparision image. Its updated now.
fail lol donii. Okay, i shall crush you with suggestions. -Lighting on banshees is ****ed up. They arent supposed to be so green. Play a game on sandbox and you will see. -Foreground is far too blurry i.e. banshees, people in relation to background. -Make seven columns darker to look like a scorch mark. -Overall the background is fine but the blurriness and low quality in the foreground kills it. now with updates: -YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT THE FORGE LINES. it makes the ground look like ****. -get that ****ing watermark out of the image. Thats not even a watermark. Thats a ****ing title. Its not transparent at all. But it on the black in the bottom corner. if you want to put a real watermark, put one.
Thanks Hari, I'm adjusting it now. Also, I would like to note that the banshee's are that way on purpose, and if you go into Halo 2 there are some banshee's with similar coloring. Is this any better?
Okay step 2: -Make the colors more vibrant. The green explosions, the exhaust from the banshee wings, the rockets. Leave everything else the same. Just make these things more vibrant. As this is a photomanipulation, i am trying to assist you in making this look as much like a standard halo game as possible.
Alright, I finished my attept at making the colors more vibrant. I'm not sure if this is what you meant though... Also, if you would rather me add/edit this to the original post then just tell me.
Okay you did good with the fuel rod explosions. Now see those things on the sides of the banshee with little jets? Make the exhaust from those little jets much brighter. It looks way too dull.
The crashed banshee looks out-of-place and the spartans look a little bit pasted on as well. I would try to somehow blend them in a bit more, possibly by feathering the edges of the renders. The closest fuel rod explosion is too blurry. Otherwise, nice job. I like what you have done with the lighting and increasing the saturation.
I used dodge to make them brighter and I smudged the edges of the spartans a little. There isn't a whole lot I can do for the closest fuel rod explosion other than re-insert the render, which I will be doing.. /sadface. Edit: Should I replace the crashed banshee with a warthog? If so should the warthog be crashed or not?
The smudging on the spartans really helps. You still have to work on the front fuel rod explosion, though. The shadow/charring under it is too dark, it needs to be closer to the darkness it was in your OP.
This version is the best so far. I really can't see anything that needs much improvement. Very good work.
I was thinking of adding in two wraith shots coming in from the left..if looks/feels a little to vancant. I might also switch out the crashed banshee with a warthog, it seems a little more fitting for the position.
i guess the only real issue is now the seven columns. It looks too much like a shadow and keeps confusing me.
I could create the seven columns from Double Blocks and make it float behind the pyramid. Then maybe add some dust so it doesn't detract from the image too much.