A very good article posted by the New York Times talking about Salvia. Popularity of a Hallucinogen May Thwart Its Medical Uses
Thanks Squid, that was a great read. I went and youtubed one of those videos I saw in their video. I find it hilarious how he never even managed to put the keys in the ignition. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp2V6NXCkE0
I understand this is a hugeeeeee necro, but I was gonna start a new thread and searched instead. lol Question One. Is it legal in Illinois? Question Two. Where does one obtain it?
I think Tecks said he live in Illinois, and it was outlawed there in Jan. 1st of 2008/2009. As for your 2nd question. You can probably get it from any headshop around town, considering the fact you live in a state where it is legal. =) P.S I am drunk. =P
Infracted.. Anyways, Are we going to start this debate back up since you know, its already been bumped and all?
It's in the debate section, bumps work differently throughout each section. Read the rules & you'll see that. Enough unrelated banter. Actually debate the legality & morality of this drug, or let the thread die again. Either way, quit spammin n ****.
Well, I'm bummed it's illegal. It seems safer then some other hallucinogens and sounds like an excellent trip.
I personally think it sounds fun and it's legal in Michigan still. I'm probably gonna stop by my local voodoo shop tomorrow and see if they have any... I'll post if I get some.
I tried this out when I was a freshman in College (about 5 years ago). It. was. intense. First thing that happened was definitely drooling. I was drooling before I even raised up from the water pipe. I couldn't tell ya what strength it was, but I smoked two full bowls back to back in quick succession (those leaves burn fast as hell). When I emerged from the bathroom (where we smoked in the dorms to avoid the detectors), I had about 5 or so people watching me. It really is an out of body experience. I felt like my body was on auto-pilot. I could move around and all, but it was just... odd. I couldnt really grasp what was going on, even though I was walking around. The people staring at me probably didn't help much lol. I got real hot and ended up taking my shirt off. I felt a huge pressure on my shoulders like God or someone was puching down on me, and I slid down the wall to a sitting position. it only really lasted a few minutes, then was more of a body high for about 20 or so. It was definitely an interesting experience, but if you asked me to do it again, Id say "**** no. **** that ****. that shits fukin crazy." I was honestly shocked/astounded that it was actually legal (Im in Cali). I couldnt tell ya if its still legal now, but Id bet it is.. cause well this is California. If it was compared to other things such as pot and mushrooms, then its easy to say it should be legal... and I can't say i fully disagree. Anything that seriously impairs your ability to drive that much should definitely be illegal. You can smoke pot and drive just fine (though I never liked to drive on the highway.. ps been clean for about 5 months). I realize alcohol is legal, obviously, but salvia is an entirely different beast. Medical testing is one thing, but full on legality of this drug is pretty sketchy, in my opinion.