I've always wondered why shotty snipes was considered a good idea for the Snipers playlist. Whenever I get a game of shotty snipes, people camp around corners and pull out the shotgun whenever they are within range so it takes noscoping out of the game often. I just don't understand why something like that is in a ranked playlist. My only idea as to why, is it gives the players who don't like sniping (who are, for whatever reason, in the Team Snipers playlist) an alternative. Oh and if you post something like, "it's smart to use the shotgun up close if you have it," my response is, duh. My point is that shotguns can really mess up the whole game if everyone ends up camping with them.
I think I've only used the shotgun maybe once or twice in that playlist and I'm a 40 with only a handful of games lost. I see where you're coming from though and I usually never pull out the shotty, but I almost always veto Shotty Snipers if it's somewhere like Snowbound. I do agree with you with the shotty thing...what's the point of having a Sniper playlist when there is close range weapons? The whole point of Team Snipers is to snipe, not rank up because your "skilled" with a shotty.
Probably because Sniper/Shoutgun is a popular combo, and the Shotgun is most players' favourite weapon.
Because shotty snipes use dto be its own gametype, and the primary weapon is a sniper, so it fits into the sniper catagory.
Shotty Snipers is still sniper based. People only use the sniper in that unless people get close. Its true that some noobs only use the shotgun, but the game is still based on the sniper.
I hate shotty snipers personally, because usually you only get it on closed maps like ghost town with lots of corners. It kinda destroys the whole theme of 'long ranged sniping', which is what I would want to expect from the snipers playlist.
Shotty Snipes is alright. It just adds some variation because other playlists have more than one gametype, and without shotty snipes Team Snipers would only have one. The real question is the point of ShWATguns.
I'm fine with shotty snipes as long as its only on the big maps. They kept grenades in it to so you can flush out the shotty campers
personally i love the shotgun in halo 3 because it DOES give people an alternative to no-scoping. From my halo 2 experiences, not many people no-scoped, and then a new generation of people emerged when halo 3 came out, and the only thing that seems impressive anymore is no-scoping, which in my view, is not true sniping, and i dont think that anyone should be able to call themselves a sniper if they run around the corner and shoot someone in the head from 4 feet away. prime example here---------->http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/72547-no-scopes-insane-kills.html (entire thread devoted to no-scopes) lastly, why are you complaining unless you suck to bad at no-scoping. if you get a head shot everytime while no-scoping upclose, the sniper is better then the shotgun. because it has a longer range.
Im kind of tired of this being brought up ignorantly. Shotty/Snipers is a popular VARIANT of Snipers. Its still a sniper game, and it only comes up occasionally. Will you all stop crying and pissing and moaning over it?
what crawled up your ass and died? I'm asking a legitiment question; Why is the sniper's opposite even involved in the team snipers playlist? Oh and let me get one thing strait, I'm not bitching. Unlike you, I have better things to do than whine all day about a video game.
You guys are acting like you suck with shotgun and thats why you hate it. If someone is near you, pull it out and there you go, and easy kill. I have no idea what you guys are complaining about.
Here's a solution to people camping round corners, don't go round corners. try throwing some nades around the corner before you go round, hell maybe you should try not going into CQB with the sniper...
a raccoon. why is king of the hill in the objective playlist? Its another VARIANT of objective. kinda like shotty snipers is another VARIANT of snipers. thats basically the answer to your legitimate question.
that makes perfect sense. KOTH is in the objective playlist because its a kind of objective. Just like shotty snipers is a kind of sniper gametype.
In shotty-snipers games, everyone uses their snipers unless they are at point-blank range, when it makes sense to use a shotgun. I have never seen someone use just a shotgun the whole game. Also, I don't see why less no-scopes is a bad thing, because no-scopes are often completely lucky and aren't real sniping. Real sniping involves finding a place with good visibility and taking people out from across the map, not from 2 feet away...
While i do agree that the shotgun can be useful every now and then but i dont like having noobs get tools of destructions and high sprees all because of it. And the silence broken, while i understand what you are saying, KOTH is NOt a varient of objective seeing as objective isn't a gametype at all. More of a category. And please don't piss at my OCD.