Sandbox Razorback

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by T4K Shadow, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Creator: T4K Shadow

    Player's: 1-8, or upto 16 with Battle track varients

    Gametypes: Battle tracks, RACETRACKS, Battle snipes

    Map: Sandbox

    Budget remaining: Around $50

    Razorback, my latest, best, 100% cheat-proof (Please let me know if you find a way to break it) and smoothest racetrack to date. It features two huge jumps across the skybubble, which create a smooth landing 75% of the time. Razorback is by far my smoothest racetrack ever, and has several banked turns, varieing in steepness. A hill has also been included just before the last turn. None of Razorback is flat, except the few double blocks on which you start, this creates a very slik appearence to the track and increases it's aesthetical beauty, and smoothness. Please note that one of the mongooses has gone crazy, it doesn't always appear at start.

    Okay, the description's over, now for the pictures, yay:
    (It is actually smoother than it looks in some of the pictures)

    General Overviews:


    First Section Overview:
    Second Section Overview:
    Starting House, Has a side balcony for viewing pleasure:
    First Turn:
    Second turn:
    Third turn and straightaway to second jump:
    Fourth turn, fifth turn, and hill:
    View of hill, sixth turn and starightaway to first jump and 100% cheatproof finish line:

    Couple of action screenshots:

    Okay, That was Razorback. Please feel free to five feedback as it is greatly appreciated and helps my maps grow even better, thanks!

    Download Razorback
  2. Happy Co

    Happy Co Ancient
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    Wow very nice. looks pretty smooth from what i can see but i've gotta say my favorite part is the jumps.

    IMO jumps make or break a racing map just because they add a fun twist and your map definitely has some good ones from what it looks like.
  3. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Thanks, like I said in the description the jumps work perfectly (as in there's no bump when you land) around 75% of the time, 20% of the time you do some spectacular flips and most of the time you land perfectly and carry on driving, while 5% of the time you do the flips, and fall off your mongoose. They are the best jumps i've ever seen on a racetrack though.
  4. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Looks good, nice elevation and banked turns. At the starting point, you may want to put boundaries oposite to the house. You may find people careening of the side at the start, wether they are pushed off, or spawn off the side in a mongoose screaming "PENUS!" into thier mikes. Some people have a habbit of holding down forward on thier joysticks at the scoreboard, and when you have lagg, you'll actualy move forward due to that, and it can be annoying. You will also want more room for the start inorder for the players to "get in position" easier.
  5. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
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    Oh man, that's so cool. I've seen a LOT of racetracks in the weeks after the public got their hands on the MMP, but this is one of the most original I've seen.
    What really sold me on the design was the 4-way jump in the middle, that reminds me of those hotwheels racetracks where the cars would crash in the middle of the setup where the paths crossed if the timing was right.
    The effects are good, the track seems smooth and appears to flow very well, and, thankfully, the filters aren't abused.
    The first turn looks a bit steep to be without railings, but other than that, excellent track.

  6. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I see you are improving Destroyer. This looks very nice and I like to looks of the jumps you have. It looks incredibly smooth too. I DL'd and I'll report back to you with some more comments. Nice job though. You're definitely getting better.
  7. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    I am downloading.
    I like how this one has jumps, that's a first in a long time. :|
    My favorite part from the pics: The half of the racetrack closest to the viewer in the first pic, it looks amazing :D
  8. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    In one word: CLEAN. Not easy to make a smooth track like that with mancannon jumps and no real protection when you land. Without playing it and taking your word for it, very nicely done.
  9. SHAD0W F34R

    SHAD0W F34R Ancient
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    This is really cool looking. My favorite feature is the cross jump. It looks smooth too. Looks good, nice banked turns. At the starting point, you may want to put boundaries to stop people from going the wrong way. I would DL but xbox Passed out(RROD).
  10. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    There has been enough smooth curvy racetracks, FINALLY someone decides to bring those good ol' jumps back. I remember those!
    Remember to put man cannons on the landing to make it a smoother landing as well as a speed boost, perhaps you ran out of cannons by using them on the take off. Good track, looks like a lot of fun.
  11. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    haha drew you kind of half to post more than a sentence lolololol.....

    anyways I'm going to DL this and try it out... a few things that worry me: The jumps... it is really hard to get jumps to work well all the time I know and it looks as if they are going to flip in one picture... oh well it will just be a fun track.... the only thing I really don't like is all the sheild doors you have placed...I just can't stand having to use the sheild doors on a racetrack I think they should be made so no sheild doors are every needed.... i'll try it out and get back to you =)
  12. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    The shield doors aren't needed, you can take the corners without them, but you'd probably lose some speed. They are also there to stop 'n00bz' from flying off the track because they dont know how to turn :). Thanks for the feedback everyone!
  13. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    yup I raced it alone to see how it worked out.... I don't like the jump... like every time they flipped me so alot of a race on this track would be how lucky you can get on the jumps..... yeah the sheild doors aren't needed but I get what you mean I just hate using them... The track is your smoothest though =)
  14. mrcleanup

    mrcleanup Ancient
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    Bad First Jump!

    The First Jump on this track is bad. I DL the track and went around 10-15 times and I flipped over every time on the first jump. The second jump and the rest of the Track are just great. Very smooth track. Only thing I would change is the angle of the Man Cannons of the first Jump. It could be a lot smoother.
  15. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Looks quite good and the map looks fun. The starting point looks quite unique, looks like there is a little box to watch in... Also like the first area, nice and curvy >.> Looks like an M.
  16. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Yeh, the starting point is supposed to be a house/Garage, and yes, that is a viewing balcony on the right side of it. Thanks everyone for the possitive feedback. Appreciated.
  17. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Wow, when T4K says this map is smooth, he means it! I thought the smoothness of RogueShaddo's maps would never again be attained, but here is proof that that's not the case. There's also the perfect blend of hard and easy corners, the perfect shield door placement, and the jumps work perfectly almost all the time. 5/5

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