Foundry Horizon v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DRiSCOLL, Jul 6, 2009.


    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gametypes: Team/Slayer, Team/King of the hill, CTF, Oddball, Territories.
    Recommended Gametpes: Team/King of the hill, Slayer, Oddball.
    Recommended Players: 2 - 6

    More than a remake of a classic. For the unfortunate thew that don't remember this map, it was inspired by Maps from Ivory snake, mallet and Matty. In a couple of months the map reached records of over 5,000 views and countless downloads. I took on the advise of the comunity and released a version 2, Still early days of forgehub. Well, I haven't stopped there.

    Even in its success in winning a Forgehub favourite I still felt It could be improved. I'm sure the pictures and gameplay speak for themselves, the map is like no other. It takes skill to master but is great for competetive and casual players alike. Like said before, Horizon is not your average foundry map, the map is smooth as can be and it promotes fast and interesting gameplay.

    V3 changes. Besides perfecting the previous versions and gametypes I went out of my way to add cover, suitable weapons and a shortcut between the sides of the map. The bridges used for a wall leading to spawn have opened up. Making it harder to bounce a grenade in.

    List of achievements
    Forgehub favourite (#1)
    Nominated for Best of Forge
    5,000+ views
    1,000+ Downloads

    Thanks to everyone that offered suggestions in the past or helped test.

    Video uploading...









    #1 DRiSCOLL, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  2. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Why does it look like you have juicy on? lol, well, this map looks like a great competitive map. It's perfectly smooth, and the gameplay was great the time that I played version2, but the updates here are even better. Well, I can't really criticize anything here right now, but I'll try to add more after I play it.
  3. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    It looks really good. But i cant fully judge it because the darkness of the effects and the smallness of the map just makes it hard to judge without a play through. I will get back to you when i dl.

  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Really enjoyed the testing on this, and I felt the differences from v2 right from the off.

    Tbh I was hesitant about the gaps added to the lower spawn hive wall, visually it stuck out to me and it wasn't something I would have done, but your reasoning really hit home. I remembered all too well how easy it was to nade spam that spawn on v2, especially since it's so much more accessible for a well thrown nade than the other spawn hive. And whilst I like few things more than nailing that long range nade to kill a guy you can't even see, having it done to me is never fun :p.

    A walkable ledge at the bottom of the gap would have been an annoyance imo, but a focused bit of jumping around like a crazy man dispelled this worry as well. I still can't say that I'm ever likely to employ spawn hives in a map, but I'll happily say that I've never warmed to a competitive map which does use them nearly as much as I have to Horizon.

    I liked the small things like the window panes used for smoothing and the general finetuning of interlocking around the map, I noticed the difference. The middle structure has come along nicely imo, and it seals the side to side division much better with the fence walls and more developed structure than with the barriers. It's a pity you don't get a half width wall, as a couple of those placed strategically in would work really well to my mind. Do you have any bridges left by chance? I can't remember.

    The following comments are mainly occurring to me as I write this, so bear with me :p. These thoughts are based on how the map played 1v1, then how it played when BunN eeE joined and it became FFA. I like the size and layout, and I like the weapon set, but imo there's a bit of a disparity between the two. I think this map's real strength is 2v2, the spawns work well for it considering, and the weapon set follows suit. But, thinking about it now, it strikes me that, whilst this map does work very nicely for 2v2, the size and layout (especially it's single level/mezzanine layout) hold most promise for fast paced 1v1 games that maintain a comfortable degree of cover and division in the lowest areas.

    On that basis, I have a suggestion, well more of a two fold suggestion: I'd say that it'd be a good move to A) reduce the weapon set to a more sparse compliment, or B) (and imo this is the preferable option of the two) make an alternate 1v1 version with a similarly reduced weapon set, keeping this one as is and having the best of both worlds. To make this map really play as well as it can for highly competitive yet interesting 1v1's I'd say that 2 snipers are way too much, 1 (probably with no spare clips and around a 120 respawn) would be a better option, but tbh I'd question the choice of a sniper at all on this map where 1v1 is concerned, especially since it'd have to be a central weapon and thus more damaging when gained by one player.

    I'd probably suggest leaving out the sniper and having the single power weapon of the shotgun for 1v1, I'd personally suggest no spare clips for that, possibly even a 180 respawn, but 1 spare clip/120 respawn or even both are also fair preferences imo. It should work well with the close quarters nature of this map, yet not be unbeatable with nades, a precision weapon and a little height under your belt.

    I'd also suggest toning down the duals a little. My memory fails me as to exactly what you placed and where in this department, but I do remember the duals being a nice and viable option in FFA's as was appropriate. In 1v1, on a map like this, an easy dual combo, any of them tbh, can be a really powerful weapon option. I'd say that having 2 duals together, or even close to one another, should be avoided, an SMG either side with maybe a central plasma rifle would be a good choice imo.

    As for BRs/Carbines, my instincts would lead me to suggest 1 of each on each side of the map. A central BR or Carbine, possibly even both, could also work, but placement of these is key in AR start games (and I think this map has potential for both AR and BR starts in equal measure if done right). BRs should be placed close-ish to initial spawns on each side, but not in a spot which is going to be a reasonable hold point in itself. I'd place Carbines one on each side again, but further towards the back of the map, yet in similarly not-too-holdable positions This encourages players who attempt to set up in a good spot to continue movement in good measure, especially in AR start games if they want to maintain the BR advantage.

    The problem with 1v1's on this map which occurs to me from the off are the spawn hives. They work well for initial spawns and add a nice dimension to play with the nice subtle division offered by the height variation and central divide, but in terms of main spawn areas they could really present an option for spawn killing, even with the reduced nadeability of the lower one. The basic problem is that there are multiple points which have good LOS toward the spawn hives on each side of the map, something which needs to be cut off with suitably varied spawning once the game has begun, focused more around a safe and distant spawn rather than one on your side of the map in particular, let alone one in the spawn hive itself. My only real suggestion if this turn out as an issue in competitive 1v1s would be spawn areas, using them in an attempt to set a low spawn priority on the spawn hives if the enemy is in one of the positions which has good LOS and spawn killing potential towards said spawn hive. But spawn areas are not something I'm confident with at all, so specifically what to do to maintain the basic dynamic whilst fixing this potential problem is something I can't even guess at. Though I do know enough to know that spawn areas are very powerful in their influence on a map's overall spawning, arguably more powerful the fewer you use, despite the opposite being the instinctive answer. I'm sure that it wouldn't be as cut and dry as placing spawn areas which spanned from the spawn hives across the holdable points which could spawn kill and setting them to low priority, you'd have to implement a larger, more complex spawn area set up to regain the basic mechanic of the map whilst getting rid of any spawn killing potential and encouraging movement with varied, Amplified-esque spawning.

    This is all a bit longwinded for a single point I know, though I do think that, if done right, it could really seal this map's competitive 1v1 potential.
    #4 Pegasi, Jul 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2009
  5. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    Yeah, I can see you put on effects to make the map more appealing and professional, but it just makes it harder to see. From what I can see it looks like a nice map though. It looks pretty big which is definitely a good thing for a Foundry Map. Nice merging. Oh, and the bridge up top, made out of Fence Boxes, is that accessible or is it just for aesthetics?
  6. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Very nice map. I havnt seen the other versions of the map but i can tell this is very well made. All of the different levels of the map really seem good. There seems to be alot of unique stuff on the map so i will HAVE to download this.
  7. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Very nice, deffinitely perfect interlocking/merging and great aesthetics.. I sort of feel the same as Pegasi, like his entire thing he said was what i was thinking (except i think the snipers are fine ;)

    Great improvement bud, 5/5

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I strengthened the colour in the screenshots. The reason for this was so they were in a higher quality, they stood out more and are more appealing. I feel when posting my map or looking at a posted map that if you don't put the time and effort into the thread then you didn't put the time and effort into the map. Doesn't apply to all maps. Thanks for the comment, you are right in saying that the updates are even better. I suggest you play it, with the recommended gametypes.

    Thanks. Choosing to keep or leave the snipers was difficult, they are on "1 spare clip" and "120 secs" Respawn time. They played well in very small maps in the 2v2 contest, so I kept them. As for pegasi, I will reply to him soon with a very detailed (not as long as his) essay on my views of his post. But for the most part he knows what hes talking about.
  9. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Finally! You released it!

    I was really hyped for this map once you told me that a v3 was coming out a couple months ago. This version has improved a lot compared to v2 with its aesthetics. As for the gameplay though, I have yet to find out.

    Looks very well made and I'm not going to be surprised if I see this in the front page soon. Great job.

    BTW, weapons list please?
    And you spelled territories wrong :p
  10. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    looks very good and very nice and smooth great interlocking looks like great gameplay ill download asap
  11. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    this map is so incredible, i honest;y have seen nothing like it, i almost cried when i saw it. anyways the geomerges and the interlocking is so advanced im surprised this map was ever pulled off. I congratulate you on a job well done, by the way mix it up a bit a flamethrower for the heck of it! 5/5
  12. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Why didn't you tell me you posted it? I was there when you built the first version and its a great improvement, I havn't had many games on this but its built nothing short of perfect. You really out did yourself sean, i wasn't sure about the sniper at first but it works really well. I know your one to edit your screenshots but i think many will from the look, but it does justice to a great map.
    Well Done :)

    Boydeh ..
  13. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you good sir, I'm happy so many of you were around for the previous versions. Thanks, a lot of people disliked the screenshots edited, I can teach you if you want.

    Thanks, I really appreciate it. I'm still on holiday but its good to see some great coments and reviews. I like the suggestion but i'm not sure how will play, but anythings worth a try.
  14. iDieAgaain

    iDieAgaain Ancient

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    One of the Best

    This is by far one of the best maps i've played so far.
    Although I don't have LIVE myself, I have played the map several times. (But unfortunately, I havn't played the new version.)
    As far as I know though is that this map is one of my favorite, and is in my top ten.
    I myself give it 10/10

    (Or am I supposed to rate out of 5?)
    #14 iDieAgaain, Dec 3, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2009

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