Ok, so by now you've probably know that the free bungie pro from the map pack has run out. But will you buy bungie pro again? Why/why not?
I won't cause I don't really forge that much, but it was nice to have. I would buy it if they gave you more minutes for the render to video or let them carry over.
I have always had Bungie Pro, so It will just continue as normal, but I think it is great, and much better than 6 slots.
I bought Bungie pro quite some time ago. I like the file share space it offers. I often have a bunch of files to be had in my share and the default six slots just does not work for me.
Im thinking of getting it. i dont know though, will i get render minutes or no? cause thats the reason im thinking of getting it..
I personally have not used the render minutes or the render tool or whatever you want to call it. I'm not quite sure on that aspect, but I see the render tool as a bonus that is inclusive to having the large file share. I for one would not get the Bungie Pro for just the render tool.
i will buy it on the 7th. because bungie said if you buy on the 7th or after the 7th you get 60 minutes of rendered film and 5 render minutes every month that you have bungie pro.
If it did, that would be a pretty good deal. I've always had bungie pro, cause it's nice to have extra space on your file share so if you want to put up some maps, but you don't want to take any off, you have more options.
quoted from Bungie weekly update (6/26/09) So yeah since mine ran out on 4th of July, I'll probably buy it tommorrow, I need those extra FS slots! And the render minutes are nice too as I can't afford a cap card ATM.
I do want to renew Pro, but there are reasons that I want to avoid buying it as well. I know there won't be any more map packs that I'll be buying, so I won't get a bundled deal like before, so, if I want Bungie Pro, I'm now forced to buy it instead of freeloading. The price and renewal seems a bit weak to me, 750msp is a weird price, and leaves me with only 650msp of a 1400msp card, then, if I want it a year later, I need to pay again. Rendering doesn't interest me at all, I want to be able to record on more than just Halo, so a Capture Card seems like a better investment to me. Oh well, I wan to get a 2800msp card so I can get the GoW2 All Fronts Collection, so I'll fork over 750 of the 1200 remaining. /cry more I guess I'll be renewing it in the future, after ODST's release, most likely.
I would buy it because Reach will most likely use it and then you may want it. It depends on how many files you want to make. You could also just use other accounts to hold your files.
Ya i think u should buy it because you get 24 files for 12 months and you can render your clips on bungie.net. --> (if you dont have a capture card).. I think it's worth the microsoft points. Though I dislike how you can only render 5 films per month, and only 1 if you want it hd. Also i've heard somewhere on bungie.net that soon you can buy more film things for 100 ms.
I hope so, if not, don't get it as a cap card. It's terrible. I used all my minutes making a 2 min vid. Slots are great though. An entity of 24.
I would upgrade to Bungie Pro because of two very important features, Extra space in my fileshare, and the ability to render film clips. Rendered videos help greatly with Youtube videos sence I don't have a working capture card. Plus, the extra file space make it easier to decide what to put on my file share. With features like that, how could I say no?