These are my first attempts at good screenshots. They all use the effect I've created, Purple Shadows. They have different colors, but they all use the effect with some variation. I hope you like them. Can you guess how I created the effect? Evil Eye In the Shadows In the Mist Ambient Gradient Purple Haze A Rip in Time Solitude Vanguard Aura Toxin Guardian Tell me what you think. Ultimately I will probably use the best one for my sig. Comment.
its just a guy holding a shotgun... i like em. i like em all a lot, except for the ones with flashes of bright yellow and orange. that effect is really nice... i have no idea but maybe its like gloomy and plasma nade or regen nade combo or something of that sort.
well, hmmm 1st reason that this is spam/flame post is: Maybe he just took a lot of pictures of the same spartan at the same time with the same time because the pose looks cool. He is obviously asking for your opinion on which is best, which you obviously didnt do. 2nd reason. This is completely useless info that you are giving to the thread starter, edit your post so that you are giving him good feedback about his pictures, whether you like them or not. Anyways, I think the pictures are very good, I think Evil eye, In the Mist, Toxin and Gaurdian are the best. But I think it comes down to Evil eye and Guardian. Great pics, 4.5/5
DYLLLLLLLLANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Hai. The poses are decent, and the effect is really overused. Try to be more original with your pictures. These are pretty good for your first, though.
These are okay for first but for the future i recommend this. Dont use thee same effect over and over. It makes the viewer bored and annoyed.
Thanks too all, but I'm not a master at screenshots, nor am I good. I really was just messing around out of boredom from no xbox live. These aren't the greatest, I no. To tell you the truth, these shots really are all the same thing with a grenade or two thrown in at times. I no, that sounds stupid. Whatever, like them or not. I don't mind.
Alot of them seem to bright IMO. My favourite would have to be In the Shadows it has a certain feeling.
poses have been used before and the effects dont make it that good. try find other ways to make different effects.
Dylan, All of those screen shots are impressive; however I suggest you try to use different poses as many of them are repeated. You probably made the effect by going into a dark area on avalanche and threw a Sticky grenade in the distance to add the glow to your character with the gloomy or juicy effect on. Also, let's hang out one of these days. You haven't called or texted me in a while either. It's pretty annoying that I have to call you every time so call me. Also, I have a lot of alcohol in my house because my parents recently had a party. Maybe one day, you and Brian can sleepover and we can get hammered XD:joker:. It'll be fun, but really we have to hang out.