My CnC is that Spikers and SMGs aren't in MLG. *bricked* They're vereh nice, maybe move the text away from the spartan so they don't get smushed together.
Yeah, move the text away from the Spartan, and make the red and blue a little darker so that you have more contrast with the Spartan.
The spartans have some weird blurring on them, you should probably sharpen that. Also, the edges are a bit on the bumpy/uneven side. Otherwise, very nice.
They weren't renders they were brushes. I had no Interwebz at the moment. You know my xbox being back and all.
What random dots? Just stop, I DLed a brush pack and I used them because I had no acess to renders or stocks. They were motherfucking brushes.
You know what. Whatever. You're such a troll. You seriously need to get infracted. Stop harrasing me when you don't know ****.
Lmfao? Nathaniel, A Default brush is a circle brush, or fuzzy brush, or galaxy or vine, not a downloaded brush...
I realized through halfway writing my post. And why would you point out the obvious? I clearly stated that I downloaded them, why would you keep mentioning Default brushes after that? Those brushes had nothing to do with them. You just wanted to start an argument... ****ing ridiculous. I'm done.