Download Link : Halo 3 File Share MLG CerebralSymmestrical Map. Runs MLG Team Slayer & CTF (Mutiflag) Overview Bottom-Mid Top-Mid Blue Base (Same as red) Side 1 (Same as opposite) Weapons + Nades... 4 x Battle Rifles [Repawn Rate] - 10 [Extra Clips] - 2 4 x Carbines [Repawn Rate] - 30 [Extra Clips] - 2 1 x Human Sniper Rifle [Repawn Rate] - 180 [Extra Clips] - 1 8 x Frag Grenade [Repawn Rate] - 20 4 x Plasma Grenade [Repawn Rate] - 20 Powerup 1 x Overshield [Repawn Rate] - 120 You have to crouch jump into the gap, i would have used the custom powerup but it would get burned everytime... There are a few jumps on the map aswell. You can jump on the columns near the side bases to get to the sniper quicker and the other columns infront of the base to the main plat. The map is something similar to Onslaught but a bit more toutch I havn't really finished it yet, i still need to fix a few things, but i thought i would post it anyway to see what you guys think so far. If you have any more ideas for jumps etc then leave a message. I would like to see some feedback. I was thinking of making a new base, if you are willing to help then add me, my GT is zBonfiRe. Thanks
for the most part the map looks nice. There are a few things I would like to point out though. I understand you said it looks a bit like onslaught, but you made it look too much like it. -The layout is unoriginal. Not saying dont do 2base symm's, but this onslaught type layout is used way to often and there are many other layouts that can work well with flag other than the onslaught layout. something new you know. Plus if a layout works well enough it could also work a gametype like king as well. -the top mid looks way to similar to onslaughts, except you seemed to make it probably the highest point of elevation on your map. It would be important to keep control of it but might be overpowering. But the mid is basically a replica of onslaughts except that thing at the bottom and you made it a higher point on the map, probably making it worse for gameplay. -Although you made a good decision to put an OV instead of a CPU at bottom mid, The little cog like things you have to jump into dont work well with flow. Honestly it would be smart to move the overshield or maybe even just remove it. -The side structures have too much cover. This could maybe cause camping in a TS game or might drive people away from it since it would be hard to put fire on anyone from them. -The snipe is located at what seems to be the highest point on the map and in the middle. On symmetrical maps snipers arent really a "one team controls it" type of thing most of the time. Either there arent any snipes, or one spawns in reasonable positions for each team. I might recommend adding rockets there or removing it entirely, whichever works better in playtesting. Or maybe putting 2 snipers on the map, though this map looks too small to really handle it.
Finally a map that actually look MLG. the layout is almost a replica of onslaught but i'll deal with that. good job, glad to see some real maps posted in the MLG section for once.
Wtf are you talking about? The map is a replica of Onslaught and he gets a "good job" "glad to see a real map"? You gotta be shittin me. There have been plenty of maps posted here that show the value of MLG maps that are actually ORIGINAL and creative. I thought Onslaught clones would die after Sandbox came out....I was wrong. People really need to start thinking outside the box.
Onslaught is not the only "look of mlg", please stop supporting onslaught clones and telling the people who make them that they did a great job when on fact they got half their ideas from one of the simplest and unoriginal maps ever made.